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Dr. G. Rajeswara Rao

Principal Scientist (Forestry)

Education : Education : Ph.D. in Forestry
Major research areas : Agroforestry, nursery technology

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Experience Profile

  • Scientist (Probationer, ARS) 1989
  • Scientist (Forestry) & Scientist Sr. scale (Forestry) 1990-99 National Research Centre for Agroforestry, Jhansi(U.P.)
  • Senior Scientist (Forestry) 1999-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad.
  • Principal Scientist (Forestry) 2006- Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad. (Continuing)


      Research Publications

      1. Prasada, J.V.N.S. , Korwara, G.R. , Rao K.V., Mandal, U.K.,.Rao, G.R, Srinivasa, I., Venkateswarlua, B., Rao, S.N. and Kulkarni, H.D. 2011 Optimum stand density of Leucaena leucocephala for wood production in Andhra Pradesh, Southern India Biomass and Bioenergy, 35: 227-235>

      2. Ramana D.B.V., Nirmala G., Maruthi, V. and Rao G.R. (2010) Performance of vanaraja birds as backyard poultry. Indian Vet. J., May 2010; 87:517-518

      3. Prasad,J.V.N.S. ,Korwar,G.,K. V.,Mandal,U. K.,Rao,C. A. R.,Rao, G. R., Ramakrishna, Y. S., Venkateswarlu,B., S. N. Rao, Kulkarni, H. D. and Rao, M. R. (2010) Tree row spacing affected agronomic and economic performance of Eucalyptus-based agroforestry in Andhra Pradesh, Southern Indiain the following paginated issue of Agroforestry Systems: Volume 78, Issue 3 (2010) , Page 253.

      4. Srinivas I, Rao G R, Pratibha G, Korwar G R and Venkateswarlu B 2009 Effect of operating conditions on oil extraction from Pongamia pinnata seeds for on-farm value addition. J. Oilseeds Res. p. 700-702. Principal Scientist.(Forestry), DRM Division CRIDA Santoshnagar, Saidabad (PO) Hyderabad 500059 Phone +91-040-24530161 Ext 555 Fax +91-040-24531802 E-mail

      5. Rao G R and Ramana D B V 2009 Response of protein supplementation to Deccani lambs grazing on silvopastoral system in rainfed areas. Indian Vet.J. p.155-157.

      6. Prabhakar M, Prasad Y G and Rao G R 2009 Pests of economic importance on Jatropha curcas, a bio diesel plant Entomon. p.83-86.

      7. Rao G R, Korwar G R, Shankar A K and Ramakrishna Y S 2008 Genetic associations, variability and diversity in seed characters, growth, reproductive phenology and yield in Jatropha curcas (L.) accessions. Trees-Structure & Function. p. 697-709.

      8. Desai, S., Narayanaiah, Ch., Kranthi Kumari, Ch., Reddy, M.S, Rao, G.R. and Venketeswarlu, B. 2007. Seed Inoculation with Bacillus spp. Improves seedling vigour in oil seed plant Jatropha curcas (L.) Biology and Fertility of Soils.(2007) 44:229-234.

      9. Rai, P., Ramana, D.B.V., Rao, G.R., Yadav, R.S., Handa.A.K., and Chaturvedi .O.P. 2007. Growth and production of Anogeissus pendula (Edgw.)- based silvopastoral system under different pruning managements. Annals of Arid Zone (2007)46(1):65-72.

      10. Rai, P., Rao, G.R., Ramana, D.B.V., Chaturvedi,O.P. and Singh, U.P. (2006) Growth and prodiction of Anogeissus latifolia Wall under silvipastoral system in semiarid region of central India. Range Mgmt & Agroforestry, 27 (1):9-12.

      11.Karemulla, K., Rai,P., Rao, G.R. and Solanki, K.R. 2002. Economic analysis of a silvo-pastoral system for degraded lands under rainfed conditions. Indian forester, 128(12): 1346-1350.

      Rai, P., Rao, G.R., Solanki, K.R., and Ramana, D.B.V. 2001. Comparative growth and yield of multipurpose trees in semiarid natural grassland. Annals of Arid Zone, 40 (2): 185-192.

      Rai, P., Ramana, D.B.V., Rao, G.R., Yadav, R.S., and Singh, U.P. 2001. Growth and production potential of Anogeissus latifolia based silvopastoral system under different pruning managements. Indian Journal of Agroforestry, 3 (2) 168-172

      Rai, P., Yadav,R.S., Solanki, K.R., Rao, G.R. and Rajendra Singh. 2001.Growth and pruned production of multipurpose tree species in silvopastoral systems on degraded lands in semiarid regions of Uttar Pradesh, India. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods, Vol. 11, pp. 347-364.

      Rai, P., Rao, G.R. and Solanki, K.R. 2000. Effect of multipurpose tree species on composition, dominance, yield and crude protein content of forage in natural grassland. Ind. J. For. 23(4): 380-385.

      Rai, P., Solanki, K.R. and Rao, G.R. 1999. Silvipasture research in India – a review. Indian J. Agroforestry Vol. 1 No.2: 107 – 120.

      Kumar, A., Solanki, K.R., Shanker, C. and Rao, G.R. 1998. Effect of sanitation, solarization and pesticides on storage fungi and insects of some important MPTS seed. J. Tropical Forestry 16(3): 46-49.

      Shukla, S.K., Rai, P., and Rao, G.R. 1998. Preliminary studies on survival and growth of fruit trees and forage production in rangelands. Range Mgmt & Agroforestry, 19 (1).

      Kumar, A., G.R.Rao and A. Dutta.1996. Storage container and protectant effects on variability and seed microflora of Leucaena leucocephala . FACTRR,1:93-96.

      Rai, P., R. Deb Roy and G.R.Rao. 1995. Introduction and evaluation of multipurpose tree species in rangelands under semi-arid conditions of Uttar Pradesh .Range Mgmt. & Agroforestry 16:103-114.

      Kumar, A., and G.R.Rao. 1995 . Seed storage container and protectant effects on viability and seed microflora of Sesbania sesban. NFTRR, 3: 92-95.

      Shukla, S.K., P.Rai and G.R.Rao. 1995. Survival of fruit tree species and their cultivars in rangelands after fire outbreak. Agroforestry Newsletter, 7(4).

      Rai, P., R. Deb Roy, N.C. Verma and G.R. Rao. 1994. Performance of small ruminants on silvipasture and natural grassland under grazing condition. In: Agroforestry Systems for Degraded Lands (eds.P.Singh, P.S.Pathak and M.M.Roy). OXFORD & IBH, New Delhi. pp.773-779.

      Symposia papers

      1. Rao, G.R., Rao. J.V., Rao. K. V., Korwar. G. R. and Ramakrishna. Y. S. 2008. On-Farm Research Experiences of CRIDA on Bio-fuel Plantations. WINROCK International India, 5th International Biofuels Conference, February 7-8, 2008 New Delhi. P. 66-75.

      2. Rao, G.R., Ramana. D. B. V., Prasad.J.V.N.S. and Mishra. A.K. 2008 Performance of small ruminants and fodder yield of pasture species under different canopy management of Subabul trees in: Abstracts of National Seminar on Integrated Nutrient Management in Rainfed Agro-Ecosystems, March 3-4,2008,Hyderabad p.49.

      3. Arun K. Shankar., Rao, G.R. and Venkateswarlu.B., 2008 Nutrient and Harmonal manipulation for induction of flowering,fruting and seed set in Pongamia pinnata (L.) in: Abstracts of National Seminar on Integrated Nutrient Management in Rainfed Agro-Ecosystems, March 3-4,2008,Hyderabad p.45.

      4. Rao, G.R. 2007. Research on Jatropha and Pongamia at CRIDA. Paper presented in International Conference on Linkages between Energy and Water Management for Agriculture in Developing Countries held at ICRISAT from 29th –31st January 2007

      5. Rao, G.R. 2006. Biofuel Scenario in India. Proc. of National Workshop on Rainfed Area Network on Biofuels held at CRIDA, Hyderabad on 24-25 April 2006 pp. 9-12

      6. Rao, G.R. 2006 Survey, Collection, Evaluation and Multiplication of elite germplasm of Pongamia and Jatropha. Proc. of All India Coordinated Research Project on Agroforestry held at UAS, Dharwad on 15-17 March 2006 p.17

      7. Rao, G.R. Prasad, Y.G. Prabhakar, M. Ravindrachary, G. Korwar G.R and Ramakrishna, Y.S 2006 Scope of Biodiesel Plantations In Drylands in Proc. Of National Symposium on Agroforestry for Livelihood Security, Environment Protection and Biofuel Production held at NRCAF, Jhansi on 16th – 18th December, 2006.

      8. Rao, G.R. R.S.Kureel, Y.G.Prasad, M.Prabhakar, G.R.Korwar, G.Ravindrachary, K.P.R.Vittal and Y.Ramakrishna. 2006. Biofuel scenario in India and their Scope in Wasteland development Paper presented in National Seminar on “Emerging issues and Development strategies for Dryland Agriculture and Wasteland Management”, 6 –8 March 2006,CRIDA, Hyderabad.

      9. Rao, G.R., Y.S.Ramakrishna, G.R.Korwar, J.V.Rao and T. Suresh Kumar. 2005.Status of Research on Pongamia and Jatropha at CRIDA 2005 – Paper presented in Conference on “Bio-Diesel as Bio-Fuel. Organized by Centre for Bharatiya Marketing Development (CBMD)” at CRIDA, 17 February, 2005.

      10. Rao, G.R. and I.Srinivas.2004. Integrating Jatropha and Pongamia in Agroforestry systems 2004 Paper presented in National conference on “Biodiesel for IC Engine – technologies and Strategies for Rural Application” held at CIAE, Bhopal December 3-4, 2004 pp. 253.

      11. Rao, G.R., Y.S.Ramakrishna, G.R.Korwar and J.V.Rao.2004. Jatropha cultivation: An Overview 2004 Paper presented to Info Concepts India Inc. National Seminar on “Jatropha Biodiesel and Aloe vera”, October 15-16,2004, Hyderabad.

      12. Rao, G.R., I. Srinivas and T. Suresh Kumar .2004.Scope of Jatropha and Pongamia in dry land farming 2004 – Paper presented in Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), September 17, Hyderabad.

      13. Rao, G.R., Y.S.Ramakrishna, G.R.Korwar and J.V.Rao. 2004.Jatropha and Pongamia as a source of biodiesel – An Overview 2004 – Paper presented in seminar organized by Sampada & FAPCII on “Biofuel- Bioleum –2004, September 7, 2004.

      14. Rao, G.R., V.K. Mishra and B. Gupta. 2003. Dynamics of Herbage in Chirpine based Silvipastoral System in North-West Himalaya. In: Extended Abst. of National Symposium on Agroforestry and Sustainable Production & Silver Jubilee of Agroforestry Initiative in India. IGFRI, Jhansi: 34-36.

      15. Ramana, D.B.V., N.N. Reddy and G.R.Rao. 2003. Fodder Banks. In: Abst. of National Symposium on Grassland and Fodder Research in The New Millennium. IGFRI, Jhansi: 202

      16. Rao, G.R. and J.V.N.S. Prasad. 2002. Establishment and management of fodder banks. In: Abst. of National Seminar on Control of land degradation in rainfed areas. CRIDA, Hyderabad, 5-7 March: 75.

      17. Shukla, S.K., K.R.Solanki, R.K.Tewari and G.R. Rao. 2002. Propagation of Mahua by Air Layering. ICAR Newsletter, 8(1):14.

      18. Rai, P., Ramana, D.B.V., Solanki, K.R, Rao, G.R. and Singh, U.P.(2001). Effect of Pruning Management on Growth and Production of Anogeissus latifolia based Silvipastoral System. Presented in National Symposium on Grassland & Fodder Production Technoloqies, September, 5-7, 2001, RMSI, IGFRI, Jhansi

      19. Shukla, S.K., P. Rai and G. R. Rao. 1998. Studies on evaluation of fruit trees in horti-pastoral system in rangeland. Proc. of the Golden Jubilee Symposium on “Feeding strategies for sustainable livestock production with emphasis on non-conventional feeds and systems for protein evaluation in ruminants” held at IVRI, Regional Station, Palampur, H.P from: 66-67.

      20. Rai, P., R. Deb Roy and G.R. Rao (1994). Performance of multipurpose tree species introduced in rangelands under semi arid conditions, pp.194. XIII National Symposium on “Integrated input management for efficient crop production”, held at TNAU, Coimbatore, February 22-25, 1994.


      21. Gupta, V.K., and G.R.Rao . 1993 . Breeding needs for Agroforestry species. In: Abst. Of Seminar on Agroforestry in 2000 AD for the semi-arid tropics”, March 12-13, 1993.

      Book Chapters

      1. Rao, G.R., Rao, J.V., Prasad, Y.G., Prabhakar, M., Ramakrishna, Y.S., Metta Bhoomulalo Biodiesel Mokkala Sagu Technical Bulletin 1/2006. Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (ICAR), Hyderabad. 16p

      2. Rao, G.R., Rao, J.V., Prasad, Y.G., Prabhakar, M., Ramakrishna, Y.S., Agrotechniques for Biodiesel Plantations in Rainfed Areas Technical Bulletin 2/2006. Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (ICAR), Hyderabad. 16p

      3. Maruthi,V., Reddy, B.S., Nirmala, G., Pratibha, G., Rao, G.R., Srinivasa Rao, M., Ramana, D.B.V., Rama Rao, C.A and Ramakrishna, Y.S. Empowerement of women farmers through participatory dryland agricultural technology interventions. Technical Bulletin No. UNDP/CRIDA/TB-2/04. 16p

      4. Rao, G.R. 2003. Silvipasture system for development of degraded lands In: Land use diversification for sustainable Rainfed Agriculture. (Eds. K.D.Sharma, J.V. Rao, G.R. Korwar, K.L. Sharma and S. Dixit). CRIDA, Hyderabad. pp 243-254.

      5. Rao, G.R. 2003 Mitigation of fodder scarcity through silvipastoral systems In: Drought management: (Eds. KD Sharma and KS Shastri) Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, pp 284 -296

      6. Rao, G.R. and J.V.N.S. Prasad. 2002. Charaa Bankonki Stapana Yevum Prabandan .In: Varsha Aadaarith Krishi Kshetro Me Bhoomi Vikruthikaran Ki Samasyaye Yevam Samaadaan (Eds. H.P.Singh, S.K.Yadav, K.L.Sharma & A.K.Mishra). CRIDA, Hyderabad: 173-178

      7. Rao, G.R V.K. Mishra, Gupta, KR. Solanki and Anil Kumar. 2000. Effect of chirpine on above ground biomass of herbage layer and carrying capacity of the natural silvipastroral system in North West Himalayas. In "Multipurpose tree species research- Retrospect and Prospect "(Eds. KR. Solanki, AK Bisaria and AK Handa) Agrobios, Jodhpur, India. PP 270 - 275.

      8. Rao, G.R. and G.R. Korwar. 2003. Research priorities to popularise Jatropha among farming community. In: Proceedings of National Workshop on Jatropha and Other Perennial Oilseeds Species. BAIF, Pune p-68-69

      9. Rao, G.R. Scope of Biofuels Crops In Drylands. Paper presented in Workshop on “Strategies for Biofuel Crops in AP”, 23rd January 2006, NAARM, Hyderabad pp 23-29.

      10. Rao, G.R.. Rehabilitation of wastelands through biofuel plants 2005. Paper presented in National Seminar on “Biodiesel-Fuels for the future”, May 29, 2005 at Swami Ramananda Tirtha Institute, Hyderabad pp. 8-12.

      11. Rao, G.R. 2005 1st R&D Report on TBO’s Published by National Oilseeds and Vegetable Oils Development Board, Gurgaon. pp 18.

      12. Rao, G.R. 2005 Biodiesel Mokkala Sagulo Melakuvalu In: Metta Sagulo Melaina Sanketika Vigyanam, CRIDA, Hyderabad pp 70-75.

      13. Rao, G.R. 2004 15 Years of Research (1988-2003) Published by National Research Centre for Agroforestry, Jhansi.

      14. Rao, G.R. 2006 2nd R&D Report on TBO’s Published by National Oilseeds and Vegetable Oils Development Board, Gurgaon. pp 8

      15. Rao, G.R.. Scope of Jatropha and Pongamia cultivation in dryland farming 2005. Paper presented in Seminar on “Jatropha cultivation & Biodiesel processing”, September 21, 2005 at SISI, Hyderabad pp. 3-7

      16. Anil kumar, Rao, G. R and A.K. Handa. 2000. Control of storage fungi associated with seeds of some important MPTS. In "Multipurpose tree species research "(Eds. KR. Solanki, AK Bisaria and AK Handa) Agrobios, Jodhpur, India. pp 227 - 230.

      17. Rao, G.R., Y.S.Ramakrishna and G.R.Korwar .2004.Pongamia and Jatropha: CRIDA’s Experiences and New Initiatives 2004 Paper presented in WINROCK International India, Conference on “Biofuels – Perspectives and Prospects”, September 16-17, 2004 New Delhi pp 215-219.

      18. Rai, P., R. Deb Roy, G. R. Rao and U.P. Singh. 2000. Evaluation of MPTs introduced in natural grassland under semi arid condition of Jhansi. In "Multipurpose tree species research - Retrospect and Prospect "(Eds. KR. Solanki, AK Bisaria and AK Handa) Agrobios, Jodhpur, India.

      19. Rao,G.R. and Md. Osman 2000.Nursery Techniques for tree farming and Agroforestry. In: Advances In Integrated Watershed Management Technology In A Farming Systems Perspective For Enhanced And Sustained Land Productivity. pp 159-161.

      20. Rao,G.R. 1999 A Decade of Research (1988-1998), Published by National Research Centre for Agroforestry, Jhansi.

      29. Rao, G.R., Y.S.Ramakrishna, G.R.Korwar and T. Suresh Kumar .2006.Integration of Jatropha and Pongamia in Dryland Areas of Andhra Pradesh. Paper presented in WINROCK International India, 3rd International Biofuels Conference, January 18-19, 2006 New Delhi. pp. 103-106

      30. Rao,G.R. 2007. Criteria to be followed for DUS testing for Neem. In: Discussion Note of National Level Consultative Meeting on DUS Testing of Trees. FC&RI, TNAU, Mettupalayam. 56p

      31. Rao, J.V., Rao, G.R., Chary, G.R., Srinivas, I. and Ramakrishna Y.S. 2007. On-farm Research Experiences on Biofuel Establishments in Andhra Pradesh. In: Proceedings of National Workshop on Production, Methodologies, Utilization Techniques and Challenges Ahead. MERADO, Ludhiana. pp. 163-170

      32. Rai, P., R. Deb Roy and G.R. Rao .1995. Comparative performance of multipurpose tree species introduced in rangelands under rainfed condition at Jhansi, In: Holastic Approach to Sustainable Development, (Ed) Pramod Singh., M.D. Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, pp. 147-156.

      33. Rai, P., R. Deb Roy, N.C. Verma and G.R. Rao .1994. Performance of small ruminants on silvipasture and natural grassland under grazing condition. In: Agroforestry Systems for Degraded Lands (Eds) P.Singh, P.S.Pathak and M.M.Roy, OXFORD & IBH, New Delhi. pp.773-779.


      1. The training programme on Scientific Project Formulation, Implementation & Evaluation, Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI), Bella Vista, Hyderabad from 21-4-08 to 02-5-08

      2. INTERNATIONAL TRAINING WORKSHOP Trees for farmers:improving strategies for germplasm supply,World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) Nairobi, Kenya, from 29-10-2007 to 02-11-2007

      3. Training in Sustainable Nutrient Management of Agroforestry/Forestry Systems Institute of Natural Resources (INR), Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand 18-10-04 to 31-10-04

      4. Winter school –Short course on Strategies for improvement and utilization of Tree Borne Oilseeds Forest college and Research Institute,TNAU, Mettupalayam 20-9-04 to 30-9-04

      5. Training on Agri-Tourism-Concept, Approaches, Educational, Entertainment And Entrepreneurial Opportunities ICAR Research Complex for Goa, Ela, Old Goa 1, 17-01-05 to 21-01-05

      6. Summer School on "Land Use Diversification in Rainfed Agro-Ecosystem" from 15.4.2002 to 05.5.2002 held at Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, and AP, INDIA

      7. Advanced course on "Physiology of fruit and timber plants" from 12.02.2001 to 05.3.2001 held at NDUA&T, Kumargunj, UP, India.

      8. 1st NARP training on ”Agroforestry, animal science and fodder production" from 26.12.1989 to 25.1.1990 held at Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi, UP, India.

      9. Indo-US workshop-cum-training programme in Agroforestry in the area of “Tree nursery technology and management" from 6.5.1991 to 18.5.1991 held at Kerala Agricultural University, Trichur, Kerala, India.

      10. Summer institute on “Advances in agroforestry and its role for sustainable agriculture and environment" from 13.7.1994 to 27.7.1994 held at National Research centre for Agroforestry, Jhansi, UP, India

    Contributions to Research

      1. Germplasm explorations were undertaken, plus trees of Jatropha and Pongamia selected, collected germplasm and raised nurseries for evaluation through progeny and multilocational trials.

      2. 10 ha of Pongamia and 1ha of Jatropha trials were established at CRIDA’s research farm in 2003 to study the effect of spacing, intercrops, pruning nutrition and pest and disease incidence. Performance of grafts vs seedlings in Pongamia is being monitored.

      3. As network partner in NOVOD and CSIR projects exchanged germplasm with network partners for evaluation

      4. Established on-farm plantations of Pongamia in the districts of Nalgonda and Karimnagar under NOVOD project.

      5. Eighteen MPTS were evaluated in a trial in red soils under degraded rangeland conditions. After eight years the results of the study, on the basis of growth and biomass, indicated that Albizzia procera and Dalbergia sissoo were suitable for introduction under rangelands condition in red gravelly soils.

      6. In a similar trial and duration, twelve MPTS were examined for their suitability to improve the productivity of degraded rangelands in medium black soils and observed on the basis of growth and biomass that Albizzia lebbek, Albizzia amara, Leucaena leucocephala and Acacia tortilis were found to be more suitable for introduction in medium black soils under rangelands condition for increasing the productivity of land.

      7. Dynamics of herbage layer in pine(Pinus roxburghii Sargent) and khair(Acacia catechuWilld.) based natural silvipastoral systems in North- West Himalaya was studied for two years(1996 & 1997).Not much variation in species composition of herbage was observed between two systems. Different herbage species showed varying phytosociological attributes at different times. On the basis of IVI values the grassland community is designated as Chrysopogon montanus and Panicum maximum type. Open grasslands exhibited superiority over that under trees with respect to phytosociological attributes and aboveground biomass of herbage layer. Effect of crown class and direction did not evince any discernible response as regards to phytosociology, biomass, and nutrient composition(both soil & plant).As distance from tree increased , in general, phytosociological attributes, biomass and pH of the soil enhanced appreciably, where as organic-C and nutrients declined. The productivity of grassland is low, i.e., 2 to 4 t/ha/year, imperating that there is need to introduce germplasm of high yielding improved grasses in them.

      8. In a trial, established silvipastoral system and natural grasslands were evaluated for forage and fuelwood yield as well as livestock production. After seven years the results showed that the total biomass production under silvipastoral system was 6.81t/ha (3.95t from understorey + 0.54t from top feed + 2.32t as fuelwood) , where as dry forage yield recorded with natural grassland area adjacent to silvipasture area was 3.25t/ha. The sheep gained in their body weight at the rate of 50.1 g/h/day in a total grazing period of 608 days, while goats gained weight at the rate of 29.3g/h/day in total grazing period of 639 days. Thus, it was concluded that small ruminants (sheep & goats) can be maintained in sivipastoral system without supplementation of concentrates

      9. Worked on hortipastoral system of agroforestry in rangelands under rainfed condition and found out that the fruit trees, namely, Cordia myxa, Emblica officinalis, Morus rubra, Ziziphus mauritiana and Tamarindus indica are hardy and thrive well in association with natural pasture. The fruit trees viz., Buchanania lanzan, Annona squamosa, Achras zapota could not survive in association with pasture component.

      10. At the end of sixth year of study on growth and biomass production of MPTS (Acacia nilotica sub sp. cupressiformis, Dalbergia sissoo and Hardwickia binata) grown with and without pasture and managed with and without pruning of trees, the results indicated that in all the MPTS, the growth in height, CD, DBH and canopy were significantly lower when grown with pasture and managed with pruning as compared to trees grown without pasture and managed without pruning. Dry forage yield of control plots and pruned plots was significantly higher than that of unpruned plots.

      11. A new experiment on pruning management and silvipastoral studies in four year old Anogeissus latifolia and A. pendula plantation was initiated during July, 1998. As intensity of pruning was increased from 25% to 75% of height of the tree from ground level, resulted in increase of leaf and stem biomass. The establishment of grass (Chrysopogon fulvus) and legume (Stylosanthes hamata) was in the range of 50% to 75%.

      12. Studies are being carried out to know the suitable species of Albizzia (A. amara, A. lebbek and A. procera) and their optimum pruning height for getting higher production from tree as well as natural grassland. At the end of third year of establishment, A. procera registered significantly higher Plant height, CD, DBH and Canopy diameter than the remaining two.

      13. Low cost techniques for control of the fungi during long term storage of some important MPTS seed under ambient conditions was developed. During the study it was observed that Aspergillus, Alternaria, and Helminthosporium were most common fungi isolated from seeds of Sesbania sesban, Albizzia lebbek, Acacia nilotica and Leucaena leucocephala. In addition to these, Rhizopus, Pencillium, and Trichoderma were also isolated. Solarization of cleaned seed and treating them with fungicides such as DithaneM-45, Kavach, PMA and Thiram @ 2% kept storage fungi completely under control.

      14. Studies on vegetative propagation of mahua (Madhuca latifolia Macb.) were initiated. The results so far indicated that the root initiation, which was observed for the first time in air layered mahua plants, was very good when done in the month of August as compared to July.1

Projects handled

    S.No. Type of Project Details such as Title, PI (Principle Investigator) / Co-PI, Allocation etc., Duration Individual/ Collaborative
    01. Institutional Studies on important MPTS under Bundhelkhand region (PI) 1990-1995 Collaborative
    02. Institutional Introduction of multipurpose including fodder cum fuel trees, grass and legume to improve the productivity of degraded range lands (Co-PI) 1990-1998 Collaborative
    03. Institutional Introduction of 12 MPTS, grass and legume to improve the productivity of degraded range lands (Co-PI) 1990-1998 Collaborative
    04. Institutional Development and evaluation of silvipastoral systems for biomass and livestock production (Co-PI) 1990-1995 Collaborative
    05. Institutional Pruning management studies in Anogeissus species based silvipastoral system (PI) 1998-1999 Collaborative
    06. Institutional Stuidies on growth and biomass production of Albizzia species under different pruning management in natural grass land (Co-PI) 1998-1999 Collaborative
    07. Institutional Introduction and evaluation of fruit trees under rangeland conditions (Co-PI) 1998-2000 Collaborative
    08. Institutional Studies on minor fruit trees suitable for agroforestry systems in the semi-arid region (especially on Madhuca latfolia Macb.) (PI) 1999-2000 Collaborative
    09. Institutional Use of tree foliage (shrubs/trees leaves) as supplements to small ruminants (sheep)  under grazing conditions (Co-PI) 2000-2001 Collaborative
    10. Institutional Effect of canopy management of subabul trees on the fodder yield of promising perennial pasture species and comparative performance of small ruminants (PI) 2000-2004 Collaborative
    11. Institutional Feasibility of using Pongamia/Jatropha oils as a biodiesel in compression ignition engines (co-PI) 2004-2006 Collaborative
    12. Institutional Nutrient and hormonal management for manipulation of flowering, fruiting and seed set in Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre 2006-2009 Collaborative
    13. Institutional Development of Climatic and Soil-site Suitability Criteria for Jatropha curcas in Rainfed Regions of India 2006-2008 Collaborative
    14. Sponsored by NOVOD Development on Tree-Borne oilseeds (PI) 2003-2004 Collaborative
    15. Sponsored by ICAR Survey, collection, evaluation and multiplication of elite germplasm of Pongamia pinnata and Jatrop[ha carcus (AP Cess Project) (PI) 2004-2007 Collaborative
    *16. Sponsored by NOVOD National Network on Integrated of Jatropha and Karnja (PI) 2004-2011 Collaborative
    *17. Funded by RSAD, Government of Andhra Pradesh On farm trials of Jatropha curcas and Pongamia pinnata in Rain shadow Districts of Andrha Pradesh (PI) 2005-2010 Collaborative
    *18. Funded by CSIR Genetic Improvement of Jatropha carcus for Adaptab ility and Oil Yield (PI) 2005-2012 Collaborative
    19. Sponsored by NATP-ICAR Developing sustainable alternate land use systems for industrial biomass production from drylands (RNPS-26) (Co-PI) 2001-2003 Collaborative
    20. Sponsored by NATP-ICAR Develop agri-horticulture and agro forestry systems in Kharif sorghum area decreasing regions for overall sustainability of the production systems (Co-PI) 2000-2005 Collaborative
    21. Sponsored by ICAR Evaluation of Eucalyptus and Leucaena based Agroforestry systems for Industrial Biomass Production in Drylands (AP Cess Project) (Co-PI) 2004-2006 Collaborative
    22. Sponsored by UNDP Empowerment of women farmers through participatory technology development (co-PI) 2003-2004 Collaborative