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  • Adarsh Kumar Srivasta, Laxman M. Ahir, Brajendra, R., Nagarjuna Kumar, R. Lead-Keynote proceedings, 2023, of 1st Hybrid Mode International Conference on Decarbonizing agriculture, 25-27 November,2023, Manglore, Karnataka, ISBN: 981-81-927632-2-6. pp.307

    Nagarjunakumar,R., Sailaja,B., Singh.V.K., Nagabhushan Rao, M. 2023. A guide to Unnamed Aerial Vehicle Technology in Agriculture. Iterative International Publisher, Karnataka, India, ISBN:978 93-5747-880-7.pp .213

    Prabhat Kumar Pankaj, Sushirekha Das, Shahaji S Phand, Singh, V.K., Ravi Shankar, K., Nirmala, G., Nagasree, K., Pushpanjali and Nagarjuna Kumar, R. 2023. Extension approaches for climate resilient livestock farming. ICAR-CRIDA and MANAGE, Hyderabad. Pp-100. ISBN: 978-93-91668-79-2.

    Singh, V.K., Prasad J.V.N.S., Pankaj, P.K., Prasad, T.V., Sumanta Kundu., Rejani R., Prabhakar, M., Murai, A.S., Rajbir Singh, Bhaskar, S., Chaudhari, S.K. and Gautam U.S. 2023. Promising Climate Resilient Technologies for Punjab. ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad. 90p.

    Singh, V.K., Prasad J.V.N.S.,, Pratibha, G., Pankaj, P.K., Subba Rao, AVM., Srinivas, I., Rama Rao, CA., Nagasree, K., Prabhakar, M., Rajbir Singh, Gautam, US and Chaudhari, SK. Editors. 2023.Technology Demonstrations: Enabling communities to cope with climatic variability and to enhance adaptive capacity and resilience in agriculture. National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) Project, ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, Research Highlights: 184pp.

    Singh, V.K., Prasad, J.V.N.S., Indoria, A.K., Kundu Sumanta., Ramana, D.B.V., Rejani, R., Prabhakar, Rohilla, P.P., Singh, S.K., Mishra, J.P., Rajbir Singh., Chaudhari, S.K. and Gautam, U.S. 2023. Promising Climate Resilient Technologies for Rajasthan. ICAR Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad. 104p

    Singh, V.K., Pratibha, G., Manoranjan Kumar, Prasad, JVNS., Prabhat Kumar Pankaj, Rejani, R., Prabhakar, M., Prasad, TV., Thoithoi Devi, M., Govindasamy, K., Rajbir Singh, Gautam, US. and Chaudhari, SK. 2023. Promising Climate Resilient Technologies for Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim. ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad. 83p.

    Singh, VK., Prabhakar, M., Gopinath, K.A., Rao, K V., Srinivasa Rao, M., Bal, S.K., Rama Rao, C.A., Pratibha, G., Prasad, J.V.N.S., Sarkar, B., Ramana, D.B.V., Pankaj, P.K., Reddy, A.G.K., Laxman, R.H., . Muralidhar, M., Rajbir Singh and chaudhari, S.K. 2023.

    NICRA Research Annual Highlights 2019-23. ICAR Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad. Pp239 Srinivasa Rao, Ch. And Srinivas, K. 2023. Carbon Management for Sustainable Soil Health and Environment in Rainfed Agroecosystem. Indian Journal of Fertilisers 19 (4) : 276-296.

  • Rao M.S, Prasad T.V., Balasubramani N. and Singh V.K. 2022. Adaptation Strategies for Pest Management in Climate Change Scenarios. Hyderabad: ICARCentral Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad & National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad, India. 110 p. ISBN: 978-93-91668-63-1

    Singh, V.K., Prasad J.V.N.S., Pankaj, P.K., Sumanta Kundu., Prasad, T.V., Prabhakar, M., Srinivas, I., Roy, S.K., Rahman, F.H., Bhaskar, S., Chaudhari, S.K. and Singh, A.K. 2022. Promising Climate Resilient Technologies for Odisha. ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad. 100p

    Singh, V.K., Prasad, J.V.N.S., Pankaj, P.K., Kundu, S., Prasad, T.V., Prabhakar, M., Murai, A.S., Rajbir Singh., Bhaskar, S., Chaudhari, S.K. and Singh, A.K. 2022. Promising Climate Resilient Technologies for Himachal Pradesh. ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad. 91p.

    Singh, V.K., Prasad, J.V.N.S., Rankaj, P.K., Prasad, T.V., Sumanta Kundu, Rejani, R., Srinivas, I., Prabhakar, M., Atar Singh, US Gautam, Bhaskar, S., Chaudhari, S.K. and Singh, A.K., 2022. Promising climate resilient technologies for Uttar Pradesh. ICAR- Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, 116 p. ISBN. 978-93-80883-66-3.

    Srinivas, K., Girijaveni, V., SumantaKundu, Manjunath, M., Narsimlu, B., Sammi Reddy, K. and Singh, V. K. 2022. Books of Abstracts, National Seminar on Harnessing the Potential of Panchabhutas (tatvas) for Sustainable Climate Resilient Rainfed Agriculture, 28–29 September, 2022, ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad. pp. 130.

    Srinivas, K., Girijaveni, V., Sumanta Kundu, Manjunath, M., Narsimlu, B., Sanjeeva Reddy, B., Sammi Reddy, K. and Singh, V. K. 2022. Proceedings and Recommendations, National Seminar on Harnessing the Potential of Panchabhutas (tatvas) for Sustainable Climate Resilient Rainfed Agriculture, 28–29 September, 2022, ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad. pp.18.

  • Nirmala, G., Renuka., Pankaj., P.K., Ravi Sankar, K., Nagarjuna Kumar,R., Jagruthi Rohit, Anshida Beevi, CN. 2021. E-book of tools on monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment of rainfed agricultural programs an immediate outcome of training program which is jointly organized ICAR- Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), Hyderabad and MANAGE Hyderabad during 14-16,December 2021.

    Prabhat Kumar Pankaj, R. Pourouchottamane and B. Rai. 2021. Scientific pig production and management: A Bio-Treasure for rural society. Satish Serial Publishing House, New Delhi, Pp-387. (ISBN-10: 9390425077; ISBN-13: 978-9390425075).

    Prabhat Kumar Pankaj, Shahaji Phand, G. Nirmala, R. Nagarjuna Kumar, Pushpanjali. 2021. Climate resilient animal husbandry. ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad & National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad, India. Pp-137. (ISBN: 978-93-91668-18- 1).

    Raju, B.M.K., Josily Samuel, Jagriti Rohit, Anshida Beevi, C.N., Rama Rao, C.A., Prasad, J.V.N.S., Prabhakar, M., Ravindra Chary, G., Singh, V.K., Bhaskar, S. and Chaudhari, S.K. 2021. Mainstreaming climate resilient agriculture technologies into national schemes and development programmes: Scope and Opportunities. NICRA, ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad, P.110, ISBN: 978-93-80883-68-8

    Rama Rao, C.A., Raju, B.M.K., Islam, A., Subba Rao, A.V.M., Rao, K.V., Ravindra Chary, G., Nagarjuna Kumar, R., Prahakar, M., Sammi Reddy, K., Singh, V.K., Bhaskar, S. and Chaudhari, S.K. 2021. District level risk and vulnerability of Indian agriculture future climate change. Policy Brief. NICRA, ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, 6 p.

    Ravindra Chary, G., Gopinath, K.A., Bhaskar, S., Prabhakar, M., Chaudhari, S.K. and Narsimlu, B. (Eds.). 2020. Resilient crops and cropping systems to cope with weather aberrations in rainfed agriculture. All India Coordinated Research Project for Dryland Agriculture (AICRPDA), ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad-500 059. 56p

    Sattar, M. Kumar, N.K. Singh, R.K. Jha, Gulab Singh and S.K. Bal 2021. Agroclimatic Atlas of Bar, RPCAU Pusa, Bihar, pp.194 .

  • Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), International Water Management Institute (IWMI), CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). 2020. Scaling Out Climate-Smart Agriculture for Resilient Farming in Adilabad District of Telangana. Project Report. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).

    Ravindra Chary G., KA Gopinath, S Bhaskar, M Prabhakar, SK Chaudhari and B Narsimlu (Eds.). 2020. Resilient Crops and Cropping Systems to Cope with Weather Aberrations in Rainfed Agriculture. All India Coordinated Research Project for Dryland Agriculture (AICRPDA), ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad-500059. 56 p.

    Ranjit Kumar, Sanjiv Kumar, Yashavanth, B.S., Meena, P.C., Ramesh, P., Indoria, A.K., Sumanta Kundu, Manjunath, M. 2020. Adoption of Natural Farming and its Effect on Crop Yield and Farmers’ Livelihood in India. ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad, India.

    Reddy AA and Suresh SatyaSai. 2020. Agricultural Growth of Andhra Pradesh: Trends and Structural Changes, Cambridge Scholar publisher, London. NRAA (2020) Prioritization of Districts for Development Planning in India- A Composite Index Approach, NRAA, DACFW, Govt of India. Pp. 110.

  • Gopinath KA and Ramanjaneyulu, AV. 2019. Organic Farming. Daya Publishing House, Delhi, ISBN: 9789388982030, p 577.

    Rama Rao CA, Raju BMK, Adlul Islam, Subba Rao AVM, Rao KV, Ravindra Chary G, Nagarjuna Kumar R, Prabhakar M, Sammi Reddy K, Bhaskar S and Chaudhari SK. 2019. Risk and Vulnerability Assessment of Indian Agriculture to Climate Change. National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture, ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad, India, p 124.

    Rama Rao CA, Raju BMK, Subba Rao AVM, Rao KV, Prabhakar M, Prasad JVNS, Arunachalam A, Sammi Reddy K, Ravindra Chary G, Bhaskar S, Alagusundaram K and Mohapatra T. 2019. Vulnerability of Agriculture in the Indian Himalayan Region to Climate Change. Research Report. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, p 34.

    Ravindra Chary G, Prasad JVNS, Osman M, Ramana DBV, Nagasree K, Rejani R, Subbarao AVM, Srinivas I, Rama Rao CA, Prabhakar M, Bhaskar S, Singh AK and Alagusundaram K. 2019. Technology demonstrations: Enabling communities to cope with climatic variability. National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) Project, ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, p 129.

    Srinivasarao Ch, Arun KS and Chitra Shanker. 2018. Climate Resilient Agriculture-Strategies and Perspectives. Intech Open Life Sciences Agricultural and Biological Sciences, ISBN: 978-953-51-3896-9.

    Vanaja M, Bal SK, Nagasree K, Narsimlu Boini, Raju BMK, Reddy KS, Prasad JVNS, Ravindra Chary G, Goldi Tiwari, Mahantesh Shirur and Krishna Rao B. 2019. Climate Smart Agriculture Feed the Future - India Triangular Training (FTF-ITT), 20th August - 3rd September 2019, ICAR- Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, India. ISBN: 978-93- 80883-52-6.

  • Adikant Pradhan, Chandrakar TP, Kerketa A and Ravindra Chary G. 2018. Doable Dryland Technologies. AICRPDA, Jagdalpur, p 45.

    Amrutsagar VM, Upadhye SK, Ravindra Chary G, More NB, Gethe RM, Kadam BS, Thorve SB, Pawar AB and Sanglikar RV. 2019. Forty Eight Years of Research and Technological Contribution of AICRPDA Solapur in Rainfed Agriculture. AICRPDA, Solapur, p 46. Bal SK, Mukherjee J, Choudhary BU and Dhawan AK. 2018. Advances in Crop Environment Interaction. Springer Nature Singapore Pvt. Ltd, p 450. https://doi. org/10.1007/978-981-13-1861-0.

    Baskar K, Solaimalai A, Anandharaj N, Sanjivkumar V, Manoharan S, Thaveedu S, Murugan V and Ravindra Chary G. 2019. AICRPDA - Kovilpatti Centre at a Glance. AICRPDA, TNAU, Kovilpatti, p 24. Bastia DK, Behera SK, Panda MR, Patra RC, Garnayak LM and Ravindra Chary G. 2018. 25 Years of Dryland Agricultural Research in North Eastern Ghats Zone of Odisha (1994-2018). AICRPDA, OUAT, Phulbani, p 128.

    Bhargavi K, Padmalatha Y, Narayana Swamy G, Radha Kumari C, Vijai Sankar Babu M, Veeraraghavaiah R and Ravindra Chary G. 2019. Farmer’s Participatory Research - Thirty Four Years of Operational Research Project on Dryland Agriculture (1984-2018). AICRPDA, ANGRAU, Anantapuramu, p 85.

    Goswami B, Vijaya Kumar P, Hussain R, Bal SK, Khanikar PG, Dutta P and Barman B. 2018. Agrometeorology of Potato in Assam. Department of Agrometeorology, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat Assam, India, p 26.

    Kothari AK, Balyan JK, Sharma RK, Sharma SK and Ravindra Chary G. 2018. Dynamic Crop Planning - A Tool for Proactive Monsoon Management under Rainfed Regions. AICRPDA, MPUA&T, Arjia, p 24.

    Kothari AK, Sharma RK, Balyan JK, Sharma SK and Ravindra Chary G. 2019. Operational Research for Dryland Agriculture in Southern Rajasthan - An experience (1984-2018). AICRPDA, MPUA&T, Arjia, p 60.

    Maheswari M, Sarkar B, Vanaja M, Srinivasa Rao M, Prasad JVNS, Prabhakar M, Ravindra Chary G, Venkateswarlu B, Choudhury RP, Yadava DK, Bhaskar S and Alagasundaram K. 2019. Climate Resilient Crop Varieties for Sustainable Food Production under Aberrant Weather Conditions. NICRA/2019/Bulletin No.1. NRM Division, ICAR, New Delhi, p 64.

    Maheswari M, Sarkar B, Salini K, Nirmala G, Anshida Beevi CN, Pankaj PK, Nagasri K, Ravi Shankar K, Jagriti Rohit, Sindhu K, Shishodia SS, Yadagiri S, Sammi Reddy K and Ravindra Chary G. 2019. Horsegram Varieties Developed for Increasing Farm Income in the Dryland (in English). ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, TOT/FFP/CRIDA/2019/2.

    Maheswari M, Sarkar B, Salini K, Nirmala G, Anshida Beevi CN, Pankaj PK, Jagriti Rohit, Prabhakar G, Sindhu K, Shishodia SS, Sammi Reddy K and Ravindra Chary G. 2019. Baaraani kshethrom mein krishi aay ko badhaanekeliye vikasith kee gayee kulthee kee kismein (in Hindi). ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, TOT/FFP/CRIDA/2019/1.

    Maheswari M, Sarkar B, Salini K, Nirmala G, Anshida Beevi CN, Sindhu K, Shishodia SS, Sammi Reddy K and Ravindra Chary G. 2019. Metta bhoomulalo adhika digubadi kosam vidudala cheyabadina nuthana ulava vangadaalu (in Telugu). ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, TOT/FFP/ CRIDA/2019/3.

    Mallishwar Reddy A, Radha Kumari C, Vijai Sankar Babu M, Veeraraghavaiah R and Ravindra Chary G. 2019. Role of Chisel Plough in Soil Moisture Conservation and Crop Productivity in Dryland Agriculture. AICRPDA, ANGRAU, Anantapuramu, p 4.

    Manoharan S, Baskar K, Solaimalai A, Anandharaj N, Sanjivkumar V, Thaveedu S, Murugan V and Ravindra Chary G. 2019. Improved Agro-Technologies for Major Rainfed Crops in Tamil Nadu. AICRPDA, TNAU, Kovilpatti, p 56.

    Nagasree K, Ravi Shankar K, Jagriti Rohit, Anshida Beevi CN, Reddy AGK and Pushpanjali. 2018. Compendium of Lectures on Extension Strategies for Participatory Natural Resource Management in Rainfed Agriculture (ICAR-CRIDA Model Training Course from September 24-October 1, 2018). Transfer of Technology Section, ICARCRIDA, Hyderabad, p 159.

    Prabhakar M, Maheswari M, Sharma KL, Vanaja M, Srinivasa Rao M, Srinivas Rao Ch, Sammi Reddy K, Ravindra Chary G, Bhaskar S and Alagusundaram K. 2019. Climate Change Research Infrastructure, National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA). ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, p 79.

    Prabhat Kumar Pankaj, Sudheer D, Maruthi V, Reddy KS, Ramana DBV, Sami Reddy K and Singh B. 2018. Scientific Forage Management for Improving Livestock Production in Rainfed Lands. Technical Bulletin-01/ 2018. ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, p 40.

    Rajagopal P, Choudhary RL, Kumar N, Krishnani KK, Singh Y, Bal SK, Minhas P and Singh NP. 2018. Soil Health Status of NIASM Southern Farm Land. NIASM Technical Bulletin-15, ICAR-National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management, Baramati413115, Pune, Maharashtra, p 64.

    Rama Rao CA, Raju BMK, Nagarjuna Kumar R, Nirmala G, Samuel J, Srinivasa Rao M, Narsimlu B and Sammi Reddy K. 2018. Compendium of Lecture Notes of ICAR-Sponsored Short Course on Assessment of Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture, November 28 to December 07 2018,

    ICAR-CRIDA, p 301. Rama Rao CA, Raju BMK, Prasad JVNS, Shakir Ali, Josily Samuel, Nagarjuna Kumar R, Sammi Reddy K, Prabhakar M, Bhaskar S, Lakhan Singh, Alagusundaram K and Singh AK. 2018. Assessing Resilience of Agriculture to Climate Change and Variability. Technical Brief 02/2018. ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad, p 12.

    Rama Rao CA, Raju BMK, Subba Rao AVM, Rao KV, Prabhakar M, Prasad JVNS, Arunachalam A, Sammi Reddy K, Ravindra Chary G, Bhaskar S, Alagusundaram K and Mohapatra T. 2019. Vulnerability of Agriculture in the Indian Himalayan Region to Climate Change. Research Report,Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, p 34.

    Reddy KS, Maruthi V, Pankaj PK, Kumar M, Pushpanjali, Nagasree K, Sammi Reddy K and Sai Krishna T. 2018. Doubling Farmers Income Through On Farm Reservoirs (OFR) Based IFS Models for Small Landholders of SAT Regions: A Success Story in Tribal Region of Telangana, India, ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, p 12.

    Reddy KS, Vijay Kumar S, Maruthi V and Sammi Reddy K. 2018. Farm Pond: Rupakalpana, Pranalika Mariyu Nirmanam, ICAR-KVK Ranga Reddy District-CRIDA (Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture), Hyderabad, India, CRIDA Technical Bulletin No. 03/2018, p 32.

    Sammi Reddy K, Prabhakar M, Sharma KL, Rama Rao CA, Vanaja M, Srinivasa Rao M, Gopinath KA, Sarkar B, Ramana DBV, Subba Rao AVM, Sarath Chandran MA, Pankaj PK, Prasad JVNS, Bhaskar S and Alagusundaram K. 2018. Research Highlights (2016-18). National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA), ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, p 128.

    Sammi Reddy K, Prasad JVNS, Osman M, Ramana DBV, Nagasree K, Rejani R, Subbarao AVM, Srinivas I, Rama Rao CA, Prabhakar M, Bhaskar S, Singh AK and Alagusundaram K. 2018. Technology Demonstrations: Enhancing Resilience and Adaptive Capacity of Farmers to Climate Variability. National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) Project, ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, p 129.

    Shanker AK and Chitra Shanker. 2018. Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Plants - Recent Advances and Future Perspectives. Intech Open Life Sciences Agricultural and Biological Sciences. ISBN 978-953-51-2250-0, p 768.

    Shirahatti MS, Surakod VS, Savitha GK, Ravindra Chary G, Momin UM, Patil SB, Patil HS and Gaddanakeri MA. 2019. Achievements of Five Decades of Water Management Research (1971-2018). AICRPDA, UAS_D, Vijayapura, p 81.

    Singh MJ, Anil Khokhar, Vijay Kumar, Vivek Sharma, Ravindra Chary G, Abrar Yousuf and Parminder Singh Sandhu. 2019. Research Achievements of AICRPDA Centre, Ballowal Saunkhri since Inception. AICRPDA, Ballowal Saunkhri, p 16.

    Srinivas I, Sanjeeva Reddy B, Adake RV, Pratibha G, Rao KV, Dhimate AS, Nirmala G, Pankaj PK, Rohit J, Anshida Beevi CN, Prabhakar G, Sindhu K, Yadgiri S, Sammi Reddy K and Chary GR. 2019. Varsha Aadharith Kshethron Key Liye Upayukth Krishi Upakaran (in Hindi). TOT/FFP/CRIDA/2019/4.

    Srinivas I, Sanjeeva Reddy B, Adake RV, Ashish SD, Pratibha G, Rao KV, Prasad JVNS, Vijayakumar S, Udaykumar M, Anamika Jha, Rambhupal Reddy, Sammi Reddy K and Ravindra Chary G. 2019.

    Variable Width Raised Bed Planter cum Herbicide Applicator for Resources Conservation in Rainfed Soils. CRIDA Technical Bulletin-No. 01/2019. ICAR- Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, p 28.

    Srinivas I, Sanjeeva Reddy B, Adake RV, Pratibha G, Rao KV, Dhimate AS, Nirmala G, Ravi Shankar K, Nagasri K, Pankaj PK, Anshida Beevi CN, Rohit J, Sindhu K, Yadgiri S, Sammi Reddy K and Chary GR. 2019. Farm Implements Suitable for Rainfed Areas. TOT/FFP/ CRIDA/2019/5, ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad, p 11.

    Srinivasa Rao M, Vanaja M, Srinivas I, Nageswar Rao CVK, Srinivas K, Maheswari M, Prabhakar M, Sreelakshmi P, Bhaskar S and Sammi Reddy K. 2018. CTGC: A Facility to Study the Interactive Effects of CO2 and Temperature. Research Bulletin: ICARCRIDA.01/2018, ICAR- Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, India, p 44.

    Srinivasarao Ch, Sammi Reddy K, Prasad JVNS, Osman M, Prabhakar M, Indoria AK, Sharma KL, Kumara BH, Singh AK, Bhaskar S and Alagusundaram K. 2018. Jalvau anukul krishi may khet navonmesh. ICARCentral Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, ISBN 978-93-80883-50-2, p 128.

    Srinivasarao Ch, Shanker AK and Chitra Shanker. 2019. Climate Resilient Agriculture- Strategies and Perspectives. Intech Open Life Sciences Agricultural and Biological Sciences. ISBN: 978-953-51-3896-9.

    Upadhye SK, Amrutsagar VM, Ravindra Chary G, Sanglikar RV and Nalwade SM. 2019. Doubling the Farmer’s Income through Mechanisation under Rainfed Agriculture. AICRPDA, Solapur, p 18. Vijai Sankar Babu M, Mallishwar Reddy A, Kishore N, Veeraraghavaiah R and Ravindra Chary G. 2019. Padi Pasuvulu Mariu Gorrela Pempakamlo Patinchavalasina Yajamanya Paddatulu (Telugu). AICRPDA, ANGRAU, Anantapuramu, p 10.

    Vijai Sankar Babu M, Radha Kumari C, Kishore N, Mallishwar Reddy A, Veeraraghavaiah R and Ravindra Chary G. 2019. Effect of Bio-fertilizers on Phosphorous Availability in Ground Nut under Dryland Agriculture. AICRPDA, ANGRAU, Anantapuramu, p 4.

    Vijaya Kumar P, Bal SK, SubbaRao AVM, Sarath Chandran MA and Dhakar R. 2018. Annual Report 2017-18. AICRP on Agrometeorology, ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, India, p 144.

    Vijaya Kumar P, Subba Rao AVM, Sarath Chandran MA, Sandeep VM, Pramod VP, Dhakar R, Bal SK, Rao VUM and Sammi Reddy K. 2018. Network of Automatic Weather Stations: An AICRPAM-NICRA Initiative. ICAR- Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, p 40.

    Vijaya Kumar P, Subbarao AVM and Bal SK. 2018. Proceedings of XV Biennial Workshop of All India Coordinated Research Project on Agrometeorology held at RARS, UAS Dharwad, Bijapur during 15-17 November 2018, AICRPAM unit, ICAR- Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad.

  • Ajithkumar B, Sajan Kurien, Sreekala, PP, Vysakh A, Vijaya Kumar P. 2017. El nino: Its impact on climatic variability and crop production in Kerala. Technical Bulletin 01/2017, College of Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural University. pp 26.

    Chaudhary JL, Khavse, Rajesh, Unjan D, Das GK, Subba Rao AVM, Pramod VP, Vijaya Kumar P. 2017. Block level agro-climatic characterization of Mahasamund district in Chhattisgarh state. Technical bullettin no. DeAM / NICRA - AICRPAM / 2017-18 / 01, IGKV, Raipur. pp.70.

    Dakhore KK, Karunakar A, Jadhav JD, Jagtap DN, Pawar PB, Vijaya Kumar P. 2017. Agro-climatic Atlas of Maharashtra. pp. 234.

    Dubey AP, Dubey D, Tripathi AK, Vijay Kumar P, Dubey V, Mishra M, Singh CB, Singh J, Husain K. 2016-17. Agrometeorology of wheat in central plains of Uttar Pradesh, State of India. AICRPAM Tech. Bul. No. 5/2016-17. University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur. pp. 1-46.

    Goswami B, Hussain R, Rao VUM, Vijayakumar P, Bal SK, Khanikar PG and Medhi K. 2017. Agrometeorology of Rice in Assam. Department of Agrometeorology, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat. AAU/DR/17/ BU/205/2017-18. pp. 35.

    Krishna Rao B, Bhatnagar PR, Mishra, PK, Kurothe RS, Kamble T, Rashmi Sharma Kumar, Anand Pande VC. 2017. Blue and green water harvesting techniques for enhancing the land & water productivity of rainfed regions. TB-02/V/E-2018, 32p.

    Krishna Rao B, Sammi Reddy K, Visha Kumari V, Nagarjuna Kumar R, Rejani R and Nirmala, G. 2018. Rainwater management for climate resilient agriculture in drylands. ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, India. ISBN: 978-93- 80883-49-6, 523p.

    Manoranjan Kumar, Rejani R, Krishna Rao B, Nagasree K, Sammi Reddy K, Usha Rani V and Chandra Sekhar P. (eds.). 2018. Strategies for enhancement of farmers income in dryland agriculture, Feed The Future - India Triangular Training (FTF-ITT), 16-30 January, 2018. ICAR- Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, India, ISBN NO : 978-93- 80883-46-5.

    Mukherjee A, Banerjee S, Das BM, Suman S, Chakraborty PK, Sarath Chandran MA, Jha CA. 2017. Extreme weather events and trends of climatic variable in West Bengal: Analysis and occurrence. Technical Book: 2016/1, Mohanpur, West Bengal. pp 83.

    Nagasree K, Ravi Shankar K, Visha Kumari, Girija Veni V, Jagriti Rohit. 2017. Compendium of Lectures on “Participatory natural resource management for sustainable agricultural productivity in rainfed areas”. ICAR–Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad. pp-189.

    Nirmala G, Shankar KR, Nagarjuna Kumar R, Pankaj PK, Ramana DBV, Rohit J, Beevi A, Pushpanjali, Venkatesh G, Narasimlu B and Sammi Reddy K. 2017. Compendium of lectures on Tools on monitoring,

    evaluation and impact assessment of rainfed technologies and development programmes. ICAR - Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad. pp 309.

    Pankaj PK, Sudheer D, Maruthi V, Reddy KS, Ramana DBV, Sammi Reddy K and Singh B. 2018. Scientific Forage Management for improving livestock production in rainfed lands. Technical Bulletin 1/2018. Krishi Vigyan Kendra Ranga Reddy, ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad. pp 36.

    Prabhakar M, Vidya Sekhar SM, Sudheer D, Vijay Kumar S, Sri Krishna G, Vidyaadhari A, MaruthiV and Srinivasa Rao Ch. 2017. Success stories with climate resilient technologies at NICRA villages of drought prone Ranga Reddy dist, Telangana.pp 40.

    Rao GR, Prabhakar M, Venkatesh G, Srinivas I and Sammireddy K. 2018. Agroforestry opportunities for enhancing resilience to climate change in rainfed areas, ICAR – Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, India. p.224.

    Rama Rao CA, Raju BMK, Rao AVMS, Rao KV, Kaushalya Ramachandran, Nagasree K, Josily Samuel, Ravi Shankar K, Srinivasa Rao M, Maheswari M, Nagarjuna Kumar R, Sudhakara Reddy P, Yella Reddy D, Rajeswar M, Shraddha Hegde, Swapna N, Prabhakar M and Sammi Reddy K. 2018. Climate change impacts, adaptation and policy preferences: a snapshot of farmers’ perceptions in India. Policy Paper 01/2018. Published by ICAR-Central Research Insititute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, India, pp 34.

    Ravi Shankar K, Nagasree K, Nirmala G, Jagriti Rohit, Nagarjuna Kumar R, Pankaj PK and Sammi Reddy K. 2017. Compendium of Lectures on “Efficient watershed management in rainfed agriculture”. ICARCentral Research Insititute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad–pp-91.

    Roshni Vijayan, Shabir Hussain Wani, Ambika Rajendran and Visha Kumari V. 2018. Genetics and Breeding of Pulse crop. Kalyani Publications. p. 288. ISBN No. 978-93-272-8487-4.

    Sammi Reddy K, Nagasree K, Pankaj PK, Nagarjuna Kumar R, Jagriti Rohit and Beevi A. ( January-June, 2017) Newsletter. ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, pp-16.

    Sammi Reddy K, Nagasree K, Pankaj PK, Nagarjuna Kumar R, Jagriti Rohit and Beevi A. ( July-December, 2017). Newsletter. ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad. pp-16.

    Singh NP, Bal SK, Yogeshwar Singh, Neeraj Kumar,. Singh AK, Gopalakrishnan B, Brahmane MP, Patel DP and. Sajjanaar B. 2017. Annual Report 2016-17. ICARNational Institute of Abiotic Stress Management, Baramati, Pune. pp. 102.

    Srinivas K, Maruthi V, Ramana DBV,Vimala B, Nataraja KC, Sharma KL, Srinivasa Rao M, Maheswari M, Prabhakar M and Sammi Reddy K. 2017. Roots of rainfed crops biomass, composition and carbon mineralization. Research bulletin 01/2017. ICARCentral Research Insititute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad. pp.68.

    Srinivasa Rao Ch, Kundu S, and Srinivas K. 2017. Carbon sequestration: semiarid regions of india. encyclopedia of soil science, Third Edition DOI: 10.1081/E-ESS3-120053749. pp 299-306.

    Srinivasa Rao Ch, Minakshi G, Kundu S and Susheelendra D. 2017. Soil enzymes. encyclopedia of soil science, Third Edition DOI: 10.1081/E-ESS3-120052906. pp 2100-2107.

    Sudheer D, Maruthi V, Pankaj PK, Ramana, DBV, Vidya Sekhar SM, Srinivasa Rao Ch. 2017. Padi pasuvulu mariyu ethara Jivala pempakamlo melakuvalu. pp.32.

    Venkatesh G, Gopinath KA, Sammi Reddy K, Sanjeeva Reddy B, Prasad JVNS, Rao GR, Pratibha G,Srinivasa Rao CH, Chary GRC, Prabhakar M, Visha Kumari V, Shankar AK and Venkateswarlu B. 2018.

    Biochar production and its use in rainfed agriculture: Experiences from CRIDA.CRIDA-NICRA Research Bulletin 02/2018. ICAR – Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad. pp 50.

    Vijaya Kumar P, Bal SK, Sarath Chandran MA, Subba Rao AVM, Dhakar R. 2017. All India Coordinated Research Project on Agrometeorology, Annual Report (2016-17), Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad. pp. 124.

    Vijaya Kumar P, Sarath Chandran MA, Subba Rao AVM. 2017. National Innovations on Climate Resilient Agriculture-AICRPAM component, Annual Report 2016-17. ICAR–Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture. Hyderabad India. 59 p

  • Ajithkumar, B., Arjun Vysakh, P. P. Sreekala, P., Shajeesh Jan, Prasada Rao, G. S. L. H. V., Rao, V. U. M. and Vijaya Kumar, P. 2016. Agrometeorology of coconut in Kerala. Technical Bulletin 01/2016. Vellanikkara. 64 p.

    Anil Khokhar, Sharma, S. C., Ravindra Chary, G., Vijay Kumar, Vivek Sharma, Manmohanjit Singh, Abrar Yousuf and Singh Sandhu. 2017. Crop based contingency planning for Kandi Region of Punjab. AICRPDA Centre, Ballowal Saunkhri, PAU, Ludhiana. pp. 100.

    Borah, P., Sarma, P. K., Ravindra Chary, G., Karmakar, R. M., Baruah, H. C., Baruah, T. C., Sarma, D., Sarma, M. K., Neog, P., Pathak, P. K., Kurmi, K., Barua, N. G., Deka, B. and Bora, P. K . 2016. Ten years of dryland agricultural research. AICRPDA Centre, Biswanath Chariali, AAU. pp. 143.

    Choudhary, J. L., Rajesh Khavse, Das, G. K., Vijaya Kumar, P. and Rao, V.U.M. 2016. Agrometeorology of wheat in Chhattisgarh state of India. Technical Bulletin no. DeAM/ AICRPAM/2016-17/01, IGKV, Raipur. 67 p.

    Jadhav, J. D., Pawar, P. B., Bavadekar, V. R., Amrutsagar, V. M., Shinde, V. A., Vijaya Kumar, P., Subba Rao, A. V. M. and Rao, V. U. M. 2016. Agroclimatic Atlas of Western Maharashtra. MPKV/ Res. Publ./Book/No. 192, Solapur. 149 p

    Kar G., Rao K.V., Upadhyay R.C, Muralidhar M., Islam Adlul, Ambast S.K., Sikka A.K., Kumar Ashwani. 2016Manual on Water Footprint Computation in Agriculture (Crops, Livestock and Fisheries). Publication No. 76, ICAR-Indian Institute of Water Management, Bhubaneswar-751023.

    Kaushalya Ramachandran, Sahani, S. and Sarma, D. V. S. 2016. Jal-DSS for Monitoring & Evaluating Watershed Projects –User Manual + CD. Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), Hyderabad 27 p.

    Kaushalya, Ramachandran. 2016. Urbanization in Telangana. State of Environment Report of Telangana (SOER-2016), EPTRI - Govt of Telangana.

    Khobragade, A. M., Asewar, B. V., Dakhore, K. K., Gote, G. N., Vijaya Kumar, P. and Rao, V.U.M. 2016. Agrometeorology of soybean crop in Marathwada Region of Maharashtra state of India. Technical Bulletin/26/2016. V.N.M.K.V., Parbhani. 42 p.

    Kothari, A. K., Sharma, R. K., Sharma, S. K., Balyan, J. K. and Ravindra Chary, G. 2016. Farmers’ participatory research for transfer of technologies-A three decade experience (1984- 2014). ORP centre, Arjia, Rajasthan. pp.74.

    Muthuraman, P., Ravishankar, K., Takeda, J., Nirmala, G., Nagasree, K. and Pankaj, P. K. 2016. Th esaurus of Extension Education. Today and Tomorrow’s Printers and Publishers, Ansari Road, Daryagunj, New Delhi–110002. pp. 409.

    Nagdeve, M. B., Ravindra Chary, G., Gabhane, V. V., Karunakar, A., Patode, R. S. and Turkhede, A. B. 2017. Crop contingency and management. AICRPDA Centre, Dr. PDKV, Akola. pp. 152.

    Prabhakar M, VidyaSekhar SM, SudheerD,VijayKumar S, SriKrishna G, Vidyaadhari A, Maruthi V, SrinivasaRaoCh (2017). Success Stories with Climate Resilient Technologies at NICRA Villages of Drought Prone Ranga Reddy District, Telangana State, Technical Bulletin 1/2017. KrishiVigyan Kendra, ICAR- Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, India, 40 p.

    Rajendra Prasad, Vijaya Kumar, P. and Srinivasarao, Ch. 2016. Agrometeorology of RapeseedMustard in Himachal Pradesh state of India. CSK HPKV, Palampur, HP and CRIDA, Hyderabad, India. 59 p.

    Ramachandrappa, B. K., Krishna Murthy, R., Thimmegowda, M. N., Savitha, M. S., Srikanth Babu, P. N., Manjunatha, B. N., Bhavitha, N. C., Ravindra Chary, G., Gopinath, K. A. and Srinivasarao, Ch. 2017. Long-term integrated nutrient management - Soil and crop. All India Coordinated Research Project for Dryland Agriculture, Directorate of Research, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. 117 p.

    Rao, V. U. M., Bapuji Rao, B., Vijaya Kumar, P., Subba Rao, A. V. M., Sarath Chandran, M.A. and Khandgonda, I. R. 2016. AICRPAM at a Glance, Technical bulletin, CRIDA, Hyderabad.

    Ravindra Chary, G., Srinivasa Rao, Ch., Gopinath, K. A., Sikka, A. K., Kandpal, B. and Bhaskar, S. 2016. Improved agronomic practices for rainfed crops in India. All India Coordinated Research Project for Dryland Agriculture, Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, India. 292 p.

    Sattar, A., Kumar, M., Kumar, M. and Vijaya Kumar, P. 2016. Agrometeorology of Rice in Bihar state of India. Dr. R.P.C.A.U., Pusa. 47 p.

    Singh, S. P., Ravindra Chary, G., Maruthi Shankar, G. R., Singh, P. K., Arvind Singh and Srinivasa Rao, Ch. 2016. Crop based contingency planning for south west semi- arid zone of Uttar Pradesh. AICRPDA centre, Agra, Uttar Pradesh. 86 p.

    Sreedevi Shankar, K., Nagarjuna Kumar, R., Pushpanjali, Nagasree, K., Nirmala, G. and Showri Raju, N.S. 2016. (Editors) Reshaping Agriculture and Nutrition Linkages for Food Security and Nutrition Security ISBN: 978-93- 80883-42-7, ICAR – Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, India. 326p.

    Sreekanth, P. D., Sumanth Kumar, V. V., Nagarjuna Kumar, R., Sinha, N. K. 2016. Scientific Data Analysis Using Spreadsheets. ISBN :978-93- 84113-41-4, 40 p.

    Srinivasa Rao, M., Shaila O., Abdul Khadar, B., Manimanjari, D., Vennila, S., Vanaja, M., Rama Rao, C. A., Srinivas, K., Maheswari, M., and Srinivasa Rao, Ch., 2016. Impact of Elevated CO2 and Temperature on Aphids. Research Bulletin 01/2016. National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA), Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), Hyderabad. 46 p.

    Srinivasarao, Ch., and Pankaj, P.K. 2017. Fodder production strategies in dryland farming - Approaches towards fodder security in India. Pp.117-134.

    Srinivasarao, Ch., Prabhakar, M., Maheswari, M., Srinivasa Rao, M., Sharma, K. L., Srinivas, K., Prasad, J.V.N.S., Rama Rao, C.A., Vanaja, M., Ramana, D.B.V., Gopinath, K.A., Subba Rao, A.V.M., Rejani, R., Bhaskar, S., Sikka, A. K., and Alagusundaram, K. 2016. National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA), Research Highlights 2015-16. Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad. 112 p.

    Srinivasarao, Ch., Prasad, J.V.N.S., Osman, M., Prasad, Y.G., Ramana, D.B.V., Srinivas, I., Nagasree, K., Ramarao, CA., Prabhakar, M., Bhasker, S., Singh, A.K., Sikka, A.K. and Alagusundaram. K. 2016. Technology Demonstrations: Enhancing resilience and adaptive capacity of farmers to climate variability. National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) Project, ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad. 129 p.

    Srinivasarao, Ch., Prasad, J.V.N.S., Prasad, Y.G., Prasannakumar, Borkar, S., Singh, A.K., and Sikka, A.K. 2016. Climate Resilient Villages in India. ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad - 500059, Telangana, India. 20 p.

    Srinivasarao, Ch., Rao, K. V., Chary, G. R., Prasad, Y. G., Gopinath, K. A., Osman, M., Ramana, D. B. V., Pankaj, P. K., Maheswari, M., Rao, V. U. M., Sailaja, V. and Sikka, A.K. 2016. Jila Krushi Akasmik Yojana: Bharat Me Sthai Khadya Suraksha Aur Mausami Vichalan Ke Samadhan. Technical Bulletin - 01/2016. Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Division, ICAR, Hyderabad. 32 p.

    Srinivasarao, Ch., Rao, K.V., Desai, S., Subba Rao, A.V.M., Osman, Md., Srinivas, I., and Balloli S.S. 2016. Preparedness for Agriculture Contingencies – Kharif, 2016 – Summary of Interface Meetings and Way Forward. ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad - 500059, Telangana, India. 29 p.

    Srinivasarao, Ch., Rao, K.V., Subba Rao, A.V.M., Desai, S., Ravindra Chary, G. Prasad, J.V.N.S., Ramana, D.B.V., Rama Rao, C.A., Gopinath, K.A., and Raju, B.M.K. 2016. Enhancing Rabi Production Plan – 2016: Harnessing Benefi ts of South West Monsoon. ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad - 500059, Telangana, India. 58 p.

    Sudheer D, Maruti V, Pankaj PK, Ramana DBV, Vidya Sekhar SM, Srinivasa Rao Ch. 2017. padi pasuvulu mariyu ethara jivala pempakamlo melakuvalu. Bulletin in Telugu. CRIDA, Hyderabad. 32 p.

    Sudheer, D., Pankaj, P. K., Maruthi, V. and Srinivasa Rao, Ch. 2016. Commercial sheep and goat farming. Technical Brochure - 10/ 2016. Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Division, ICAR, Hyderabad.

    Venkateswarlu, B., Ravindra Chary, G., Gurbachan Singh and Shivay, Y. S. 2016. Climate resilient agronomy. Indian Society of Agronomy, New Delhi. 409 p.

    Vennila S, Singh, J., Wahi, P., Bagri, M., Das, D. K. and Srinivasa Rao, M. 2016. Web Enabled Weather Based Prediction for Insect Pests of Rice. Technical Bulletin 39. NICRA – National Research Centre for Integrated pest management, New Delhi. 50 p

    Vijay Kumar,S., Sanjeeva Reddy,B., Srinivas,I., Srikrishna,G., Sridharanayudu,S., Maruthi,V and Srinivasa Rao,Ch. 2016. Plastic mulching sheet - drip paipu veyu bahula Prayuajana Parikaramu , Technical Folder 12/2016.

  • Anil Karunakar, Nagdeve MB, Rao VUM, Vijaya Kumar P, Gabhane VV and Turkhede AB. 2015. Agrometeorology of soybean in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra state of India. All India Coordinated Research Project on Agrometeorology, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Maharashtra, India. pp 1-50. Pub. No.: Booklet/ Dr. PDKV/Pub/429/2015.

    Jadhav JD, Amrutsagar VM, Pawar PB, Rao VUM, Vijaya Kumar P, Bapuji Rao B and Bavadekar VR. 2015. Agrometeorology of rabi sorghum in Western region of Maharashtra state of India. AICRP on Agrometeorology, Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Solapur. pp 1-44. MPKV/Res. Publ./Book/No. 181/2015.

    Kothari AK, Sharma RK, Sharma SK, Ravindra Chary G and Ch Srinivasarao. 2015. Success stories towards Climate Resilient Agriculture in Southern Rajasthan - A Participatory Approach. AICRPDA centre, Dryland Farming Research Station, ARjia, Bhilwara, Rajasthan-311001. p. 37

    Maheswari M, Sarkar B, Vanaja M, Srinivasarao M, Srinivasarao Ch, Venkateswarlu B, Sikka AK. 2015. Climate Resilient Crop Varieties for Sustainable Food Production under Aberrant Weather Conditions. Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (ICAR), Hyderabad. P47.

    Nagasree K, Sanjeeva Reddy B, Sumanta kundu and Srinivasarao Ch. 2015. Leafl et on Sorghum production technology. Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav farm literature Series 01/2015. Patharlapahad cluster, Nalgonda district.

    Nagasree K, Sanjeeva Reddy B, Sumanta kundu and Srinivasarao Ch. 2015. Leaflet on Horese gram production technology. Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav farm literature Series 02/2015. Patharlapahad cluster, Nalgonda district.

    Nagasree K, Sanjeeva Reddy B, Srinivas K, Sammi reddy K, Sumanta kundu, Nirmala G, Srinivasarao Ch, Indoria AK and Venkanna K. 2015. Folder on importance of soil health card and need for soil sampling. Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav farm literature Series 03/2015. Patharlapahad cluster, Nalgonda district.

    Prashant Neog, Sarma PK, Dutta S, Gogoi U, Rajbongshi R, Sarmah K, Baruah S, Sarma D, Sarma MK, Ravindra Chary G, Srinivasarao Ch and GN Hazarika. 2015. Resilient Agriculture for flash flood afedcted area of North Bank Plani zone o Assam. Research Bulletin No. 1/2015, NICRA-AICRPDA, Biswanath Chariali centre, AAU.p. 31.

    Pratibha G, Srinivas I, Rao KV, Sammi Reddy K, Srivasarao Ch. 2015. Sahaja vanarula samrakshanatho mettabumullo susthira vyavasaya digubadulu, CRIDA Hyderabad 36 p (Telugu Bulletin)

    Rajegowda MB, Shivaramu HS, Janardhana Gowda NA, Vijaya Kumar P, Rao VUM, Bapuji Rao B, Ravindrababu BT, Padmashri HS and Sridhar D. 2015. Agrometeorology of finger millet in Karnataka state of India. AICRP on Agrometeorology (Bengaluru centre of CRIDA, Hyderabad), University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru, Karnataka. pp 1-72.

    Rao VUM, Bapuji Rao B, Sarath Chandran MA, Vijayakumar P, Subbarao AVM. 2015. Annual report 2014-’15 National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture-AICRPAM component, CRIDA, Hyderabad. p36.

    Rao VUM, Bapuji Rao B, Sarath Chandran MA, Vijayakumar P, Subbarao AVM. 2015. Annual report 2014-’15 All India Coordinated Research Project on Agrometeorology, CRIDA, Hyderabad. p117.

    Rao VUM, Subba Rao AVM, Sarath Chandran MA, Prabhjyot Kaur, Vijaya Kumar P, Bapuji Rao B., I. R. Khandgond and Ch. Srinivasa Rao. (2015). District level crop weather calendars of major crops in India. Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad - 500 059, 40 pp.

    Ravi Shankar K, Balloli SS, Nagasree K, Nirmala G, Prasad MS, Nagarjuna Kumar R, Indoria AK and Srinivasrao Ch. 2016. Compendium of Lectures on Efficient Soil Management Techniques for minimizing climate change impacts in Rainfed Areas, CRIDA Hyderabad, 183 p.

    Sahay CS, Narsimlu B and Chavda BD. 2015. Unnati Krishi Yantre, Bed planter sinchayi ka pani bachaye (Hindi). IGFRI Jhansi U.P. Singh AK, Shabd Adhar, Rao VUM and Vijaya Kumar P. 2015.

    Agrometeorology of wheat crop in Eastern region of Uttar Pradesh state of India. Department of Agricultural meteorology, N. D. University of Agriculture & Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad, U. P., India. pp 1-58

    Sri Krishna G, Prabhakar M, Srinivasarao Ch. 2015. Vegetable cultivation through plastic mulching for higher productivity. Technical Brochure, CRIDA-KVK- Ranga Reddy District, Hyderabad

    Sri Krishna G, Prabhakar M, Srinivasarao Ch. 2016. Contingency measures in Horticulture crops for prolonged dry spells. Technical Brochure, CRIDA-KVK- Ranga Reddy District, Hyderabad

    Srinivasarao Ch, Prasad JVNS, Prasad YG, Prasannakumar, Shailesh Borkar, Singh AK and Sikka AK. 2016. Climate Resilient Villages in India. ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad - 500059, Telangana, India. 20 p.

    Sudheer D, Prabhakar M, Pankaj PK and Srinivasarao Ch. 2015. Cultivation of perennial fodder and nutrition of livestock (Bahuvarshika Pashu grass rakhala saagu mariyu paadi pashulula poshana in telugu). Published as leaflet from KVK-CRIDA, R.R. District.

  • CA Rama Rao, BMK Raju, AVM Subba Rao, KV Rao, VUM Rao, Kausalya Ramachandran, B Venkateswarlu and AK Sikka ATLAS on Vulnerability of Indian Agriculture to Climate Change

    Ch Srinivasa Rao, G Ravindra Chary, PK Mishra, G Subba Reddy, GR Maruthi Sankar, B Venkateswarlu, AK Sikka 2014. Rainfed Farming - A Compendium of Doable Technologies

    Ch Srinivasa Rao, R Veeraiah, R Rammohan, S Dixit, B Sanjeeva Reddy, KV Rao, DBV Ramana, K Nagasree, S Dastagiri, Sumanta Kundu, S Vijay Jakkula, B Anuradha and B Venkateswarlu Livelihood Improvement in Tribal Rainfed Region : Experiences from Participatory On-farm Interventions in Nalgonda District, Andhra Pradesh

    VUM Rao, B Bapuji Rao and B Venkateswarlu Agroclimatic Atlas of Andhra Pradesh

    B Bapuji Rao, VUM Rao, VM Sandeep, P Santhibhushan Chowdary PET Calculator v3.0 Users Manual

    Rajendra Prasad, G Ravndra Chary, KV Rao, YG Prasad, Ch Srinivasa Rao, DBV Ramana, NKSharma, VUM Rao and B Venkateswarlu District Level Contingency Plans for Weather Aberrations in Himachal Pradesh

    VUM Rao, B Bapuji Rao and B Venkateswarlu Agroclimatic Atlas of Andhra Pradesh

    B Bapuji Rao, VUM Rao, VM Sandeep, P Santhibhushan Chowdary PET Calculator v3.0 Users Manual

  • Kaushalya Ramachandran, Venkateshwarlu B, Ramarao CA, Rao VUM, Rao KV, Raju BMK, Rao AVMS, Ramana DBV, Manoranjan Kumar, Nagasree K, Ravi Shankar K, Gayatri M, Satish J, Praveen V, 2013. Assessing Agricultural Vulnerability to Climate Change using NDVI data products. (In):Geospatial Technologies for Natural Resources Management (Eds. Soam, S.K., Sreekanth, P.D. and Rao, N.H.). New India Publishing Agency, ISBN: 978-93-81450-80-2, 345-362.

  • Arun Kumar Shanker and B.Venkateswarlu Abiotic Stress Response in Plants - Physiological, Biochemical and Genetic Perspectives (5.66 MB)

    Arun Kumar Shanker and B.Venkateswarlu Abiotic Stress in Plants - Mechanisms and Adaptations (18.7 MB)

    YG Prasad, B Venkateswarlu, G Ravindra Chary, Ch Srinivasarao, KV Rao, DBV Ramana, VUM Rao, G Subba Reddy and AK Singh Contingency Crop Planning for 100 Districts in Peninsular India (10.1 MB)

    VUM Rao, B Bapuji Rao, IR Khandagonda, AVMS Rao, P Vijaya Kumar, JC Dagar and B Venkateswarlu Perception of Indian Farmers on Climate Change - An Assessment and Awareness Programme (4.84 MB)

    PK Mishra,.M Osman, Satendra and B Venkateswarlu Techniques of Water Conservation and Rainwater Harvesting for Drought Management (SAARC Training Program) (36.9 MB)

    B Venkateswarlu, AK Singh, YG Prasad, G Ravindra Chary, Ch Srinivasa Rao, KV Rao, DBV Ramana and VUM Rao District Level Contingency Plans for Weather Aberrations in India (33.7 MB)

    Ch Srinivasa Rao, B Venkateswarlu, Sreenath Dixit, Sumanta Kundu and K Gayatri Devi Livelihood Impacts of Soil Health Improvement in Backward and Tribal Districts of Andrha Pradesh (17.6 MB)

    Mishra PK, Osman M, Satendra, Venkteswarl B, 2011. Techniques of water conservation and rainwater harvesting for drought management, SAARC Training Program, CRIDA, Hyderabad, India, 715p.

    Naresh Kumar S, Anil Kumar Singh, Aggarwal PK, Rao VUM, Venkateswarlu B, 2012. Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: Impact, adaptation and vulnerability-salient achievements from ICAR Network Project, IARI Publication, 32p.

    Rao VUM, Rao AVMS, Kumar PV, Desai S, Saikia US, Srivastava NN, Venkateswarlu B, 2011. Agricultural drought: Climate change and rainfed agriculture. Lecture notes of 5th SERC school, Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad, India,324 p.

    Ravi Shankar K, Sanjeeva Reddy B, Srinivas I, Adake RK, Prasad MS (Eds), 2011. Mechanization in Dryland Agriculture-Compendium of Lecture Notes, 103p.

    Shanker AK, Venkateswarlu B (Eds), 2011. Abiotic Stress Response in Plants - Physiological, Biochemical and Genetic Perspectives. Intech Open. ISBN:978-953-307-672-0.

    Sharma KL, Nandini Ch, 2012. Soil management effects on biological indicators of soil quality, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Saarbrucken, Germany. 68p.

    Sharma SK, Sharma RK, Kothari AK, Laddha KC, Sodani SN, Osman M, Ravindra Chary G, Balloli SS, Mishra PK, Mandal UK, Venkateswarlu B, 2010. Farmers participatory action research programme -Tank silt as an organic amendments for improving soil and water productivity. Dryland Framing Research Station, MPUAT, Udaipur, 8p.

    Sharma SK, Sharma RK, Kothari AK, Laddha KC, Sodani SN, Osman M, Ravindra Chary G, Balloli SS, Mishra PK, Mandal UK, Venkateswarlu B, 2010. Outreach action research and learning for improved use of tank silt in maize-based production system, Dryland Framing Rear arch Station , MPUAT, Udaipur, 26p.

    Srinivasa Rao Ch, Vankateswarlu B, Dinesh Babu M, Wani SP, Sreenath Dixit, Sahrawat KL, Sumanta Kundu, 2011. Soil health improvement with Gliricidia green leaf manuring in rainfed agriculture, CRIDA, Hyderabad, India, 23p.

    Srinivasa Rao Ch, Venkateswarlu B, Dinesh Bab, M, Wani SP, Dixit S, Sharawat KL, Sumanta Kundu, 2011. Soil health improvement with Gliricidia green leaf manuring in rainfed agriculture, on farm experience, CRIDA, Hyderabad, 16p.

    Srinivasa Rao Ch, Venkateswarlu B, Sreenath Dixit, Sumanta Kundu, Gayatri Devi K, 2011. Livelihood impacts of soil health improvement in backward and tribal districts of Andhra Pradesh. CRIDA, Hyderabad, India, 119p.

    Srinivasa Rao Ch, Venkateswarlu B, Srinivas K, Kundu S, Singh AK, 2011. Soil carbon sequestration for climate change mitigation and food security, CRIDA, Hyderabad, 322p.

    Srinivasa Rao Ch, Venkateswarlu B, Srinivas K, Sumanta Kundu, Singh AK, 2011. Soil carbon sequestration for climate change mitigation and food security. CRIDA, Hyderabad, India, 372p.

    Srinivasa Rao Ch, Venkateswarlu B, Wani SP, Dixit S, Sahrawat KL, Sumanta Kundu, 2011. Benefits from micro and secondary nutrients: impacts on farm income and livelihoods in rainfed tribal and backward regions of Andhra Pradesh. CRIDA, Hyderabad, India, 20p.

    Subba Rao, Srinivasa Rao Ch, Srivastava S, 2011. Potassium status and crop response to potassium on the soils of agro-ecological regions of India. International Potash Institute, Horgen, Switzerland, 185p.

    Thyagaraj CR, Aum Sharma, Sanjeeva Reddy B, Srinivas I, Adake RK, Sudhakar Reddy P, Bhasker Reddy (Eds.), 2011. Souvenir - Andhra Pradesh agricultural machinery manufacturers meet and coordination committee meeting of AICRP on FIM. Organized by ICAR, New Delhi and ANGRAU, Hyderabad, 108p.

    Usharani K, Sharm, KL, Kaushalya Ramachandran, 2011. Sewage water irrigation and heavy metals, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Saarbrucken, Germany, 179p.

    Usharani K, Sharma KL, Nagasree K, 2012. Response of sunflower to sulphur, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Saarbrucken, Germany, 70p.

    Venkateswarlu B, Singh AK, Prasad YG, Ravindra Chary G, Srinivasa Rao Ch, Rao KV, Ramana DBV, Rao VUM, 2011. District level contingency plans for weather aberrations in India. CRIDA, NRM Division, ICAR, Hyderabad, India, 136p.

    Venkateswarlu B, Arun K Shanker, 2011. Abiotic stress response in plants: Physiological, biochemical and genetic perspectives. INTECH, 346p.

    Venkateswarlu B, Arun K Shanker, Chitra Shanker, Maheswari M (Eds), 2012. Crop stress and its management: Perspective and Strategies, Springer, 611p.

    Venkateswarlu B, Osman MD, Raju BMK, Mishra PK, Rao KV, Subbarao AVM, Ramarao CA, Kareemulla K, Bhatia VK, Anil Rai, Prachi Mishra Sahoo, Malhotra PK, 2011. A consultancy study report on prioritization of rainfed areas in India submitted to National Rainfed Area Authority (NRAA), New Delhi, 121p.

    Venkateswarlu B, Singh AK, Prasad YG, Ravindra Chary G, Srinivasara Rao Ch, Rao KV, Ramana DBV, Rao VUM, 2011. District level contingency plans for weather aberrations in India. CRIDA, NRM Division, ICAR, New Delhi, 136p.

    Vijaya Kumar P, 2012. Agrometeorology of rainfed castor beans (Ricinus communis), Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Saarbrucken, Germany, 194p.

    Balloli SS, 2011. Climate change impacts on soil fertility and carbon sequestration. In: Soil Carbon Sequestration for Climate Change Mitigation and Food Security (Eds. Ch Srinivasarao et al), CRIDA, Hyderabad, India. Pp 372.

    Bijay Singh, John Ryan, Robert Zentner and Srinivasarao Ch, 2012. Rainfall/moisture and nutrient/fertilizer management options for enhancing productivity and water and nutrient use efficiency in arid/semiarid areas. IFA/IWMI/IPNI/IPI Scientific Publication on the Links between Fertilizer Use and Water management, pp 21.

    Desai S, Grover M, Daniel Amalraj EL, Praveen Kumar G, Mir Hassan Ahmed SK, 2012. Exploiting plant growth promoting rhizomicroorganisms for enhanced crop productivity. In: Microorganisms in Sustainable Agriculture and Biotechnology (Eds. T Satyanarayana, BN Johri, A Prakash), Springer, Germany, pp 227-242.

    Gopinath KA, Ravindra Chary G, Pratibha G, Mishra PK, Venkateswarlu B, 2011. Recent developments in rainfed organic farming. In: Recent Developments in Organic Farming (Eds. JML Gulati, T Barik), Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar, pp 465-478.

    Kareemulla K, Rama Rao CA, 2012. Socio economic and policy issues in abiotic stress management. In: Crop stress and its management-Perspectives and Strategies, (Eds. B Venkateswarlu, AK Shanker, C Shanker, M Maheswari) Springer, Netherlands, pp 565-584.

    Maheswari M, Yadav SK, Arun K Shanker, Anil Kumar M, Venkateswarlu B, 2011, Overview of plant stresses: Mechanisms, adaptations and research pursuit. In: Crop Stress and Its Management: Perspectives and Strategies (Eds. B Venkateswarlu, AK Shanker, C Shanker, M Maheswari) Springer, Netherlands, pp 1-18.

    Maruthi Sankar GR, Mishra PK, 2011. Sustainability of rainwater management practices for rainfed crops under different agro-ecological sub-regions of India. In: Techniques of water conservation & rain water harvesting for drought management- SAARC Training Program (Eds. PK Mishra, M Osman, Satendra, B Venkateswarlu), CRIDA, Hyderabad, pp 283-316.

    Prabhakar M, Prasad YG, Rao MN, 2012. Remote sensing of biotic stress in crop plants and its applications for pest management. In: Crop Stress and its Management: Perspectives and Strategies (Eds. B Venkateswarlu, AK Shanker, C Shanker, M Mandapaka), Springer, Netherlands, pp 517-545.

    Prasad JVNS, 2011. Mitigation of green house gas emissions through CDM technologies: In: Agricultural Drought, Climate change and Rainfed Agriculture (Eds. VUM, Rao AVMS Rao, PV Kumar, S Desai, Saikia, NN Srivastava, B Venkateswarlu), CRIDA, Hyderabad, pp 324.

    Prasad JVNS, 2011. Carbon sequestration through agroforestry systems. In: Soil carbon sequestration for climate change mitigation and food security (Eds. Ch Srinivasa Rao, B Venkateswarlu, K Srinivas, S Kundu, AK Singh), CRIDA, Hyderabad, pp 322.

    Pushpanjali, Karthikeyan K, 2011. Hyperspectral remote sensing for soil organic carbon prediction: An overview. In: Soil Carbon Sequestration for Climate Change Mitigation and Food Security (Eds. Ch Srinivasa Rao, B Venkateswarlu, K Srinivas, S Kundu, AK Singh), CRIDA, Hyderabad, pp 142-160.

    Ramana DBV, 2011. Intensification of livestock production systems for off-farm livelihoods: Opportunities and Challanges. In: Sustainable Agriculture Production through Innovative Approaches for Enhanced Livelihoods, CRIDA, Hyderabad, pp 121-131.

    Ramana DBV, 2011. Livestock integration for improving the livelihoods of rural poor. In: Production and farming system for livelihood improvement in rainfed areas, CRIDA, Hyderabad, pp 93-104.

    Ramana DBV, 2011. Pasture development and intensification of livestock production in watershed areas. In: Use of High Science Tools and Methodologies in Planning, Implementation and Monitoring of Watershed Programmes under IWMP, CRIDA, Hyderabad, pp 138-148.

    Rao, VUM, Rao AVMS, Rao GGSN, Satyanarayana T, Manikandan N, Venkateswarlu B, 2011. Impact of climate change on crop water requirements and adaptation strategies. In: Challenges and opportunities in Agrometeorology (Eds. SD Attri, LS Rathore, MVK Sivakumar,SK Dash) Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp 311-320.

    Ravindra Chary G., Vittal KPR, Venkateswarlu B, Mishra PK, Rao GGSN, Pratibha G, Rao KV, Sharma KL, Rajeshwar Rao G, 2010. Drought hazards and mitigation measures. In: Natural and Anthropogenic Disasters: Vulnerability, Preparedness and Mitigation (Ed. MK Jha), Capital Publishing Company, New Delhi and Springer, The Netherlands, pp 197 -237.

    Reddy KS, Raji Reddy D, Kumar M, Nagarjuna Kumar R, Umarfarooque M, Umesh B, Srinivas Reddy K, Venkateswarlu B, 2011. Assessment of climate variability/change through climgen model: A case study of rainfall and temperature in Ranga Reddy district of A.P In: All Conserve water Preserve Climate, Institute of Engineers, Hyderabad, pp 31-38.

    Sharma KL, 2011. Conservation agriculture for soil carbon buildup and mitigation of climate change. In: Soil Carbon Sequestration for Climate Change Mitigation and Food Security (Eds. Ch Srinivasarao, B Venkateshwarlu, K Srinivas, S Kundu, AK Singh), CRIDA, Hyderabad, pp 180-199.

    Sharma KL, 2011. Role of conservation agriculture in protecting land and improving soil quality amidst changing climate. In: Techniques of Water Conservation and Rainwater Harvesting for Drought Management (Eds. PK Mishra, M Osman, Satendra, B Venkateshwarlu), CRIDA, Hyderabad, pp 622-645.

    Srinivas K, Maruthi V, 2011. Plant roots and carbon sequestration. In: Soil Carbon Sequestration for Climate Change Mitigation and Food Security (Eds. Ch Srinivasa Rao, B Venkateswarlu, K Srinivas, S Kundu, AK Singh), CRIDA, Hyderabad, pp 200-223.

    Srinivasa Rao Ch, 2011. Carbon sequestration and global warming potential of rainfed agriculture. In: Improving Water Productivity- Limits and Opportunities. Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Gwalior, pp 23.

    Srinivasa Rao Ch, 2011. Sustainable rural livelihoods through enhanced farming systems productivity and efficient support system in rainfed areas. Confederation of Indian Industries, Hyderabad, pp 35-44.

    Srinivasa Rao Ch, Sumanta Kundu, Vijay S Jakkula, Sharan Bhoopal Reddy, Prakash Naik, Rupendra Manideep, 2011. Soil carbon sequestration strategies in Rainfed agriculture. In: Soil Carbon Sequestration for Climate Change Mitigation and Food Security (Eds. Ch Srinivasarao, B Venkateswarlu, K Srinivas, S Kundu, AK Singh), CRIDA, Hyderabad, India, pp 372.

    Srinivasa Rao Ch, Venkateswarlu B, Sumanta Kundu, 2010. Nutrient availability and management in diverse rainfed production systems in India. In: Future Strategies for Nutrient Management Research, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India, pp 19-23.

    Sujay Dutta, Choudhury I, Prasad YG, Prabhakar M, Katti G, Vasantbhanu K, Vennila S, 2011. Pest surveillance of rice crop using satellite data - A Case study for Brown Plant Hopper (N. lugens). In: Information and Communication Technology for Agriculture and Rural Development (Eds. R Saravanan, C Kathiresan, T Indra Devi), New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, p 368.

    Vanaja M, Raghu Ram Reddy P, Yadav SK, Jyothi Lakshmi N, Narasimha Reddy A, Reddy BMK, Maheswari M, Venkateswarlu B, 2012. Increasing CO2 concentration and its probable influence on rainfed food and oilseed crop productivity in SAT. In: Impact of Climate Change in soils and rainfed agriculture of tropical ecosystem (Eds. T Bhattacharyya, DK Pal, Dipak Sarkar SP Wani), Studium Press, LLC, USA, pp 270-298.

    Venkateswarlu B, 2011. Drought management and contingency planning in Eastern India. In: Technican Output and Recommendations – Strategies for Agricultural Transformation of Eastern Region (Eds. AK Singh, BP Bhatt, PS Minhas), ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, pp 61-98.

    Venkateswarlu B, Arun K Shanker, 2012. Dryland agriculture: Bringing resilience to crop production under changing climate. In: Crop Stress and Its Management: Perspectives and Strategies (Eds. B Venkateswarlu, AK Shanker, C Shanker, M Maheswari), Springer, Netherlands, pp 19-44.

    Venkateswarlu B, Prasad JVNS, 2011. Issues and strategies for managing degraded lands in rainfed ecosystem in India. In: Strategies for Arresting Land Degradation in South Asian Countries (Eds. Dipak Sarkar, Abdul Kalam Azad, SK Singh, Nasrin Akter), SAARC Agriculture Centre, pp 191-207.

    Venkateswarlu B, Rao KV, Kaushalya Ramachandran, Mandal UK, 2011. Application of geomatics in watershed prioritization, monitoring and evaluation - CRIDA’s experience. In: Use of High Science Tools in Integrated Watershed Management (Eds. SP Wani, KL Sahrawat, KG Kaushal), ICRISAT, CPE 169, pp 49-65.

    Vijaya Kumar P, 2011.Characterization of droughts and development of forewarning system. In: Techniques of water conservation & Rainwater harvesting for drought management (Eds. PK Mishra, M Osman, Satendra, B Venkateswarlu), SAARC training program, CRIDA, Hyderabad, India, pp 428-440.

    Vijaya Kumar P, 2012. Crop-weather relationships. In: Cropping system management (Eds. B Gangwar), Agrotech Publishing Academy, Udaipur, Rajasthan, pp 265-280.

    Wani SP, Roy PS, Kesava Rao AVR, Barron J, Kaushalya Ramachandran, Balaji V, 2011. Application of new science tools in integrated watershed management for enhancing impacts. In: Integrated Watershed Management in Rainfed Agriculture (Eds. SP Wani, J Rockstrom, KL Sahrawat), CRC Press Publication, pp 159-204.

    Wani SP, Venkateswarlu B, Sharda VN, 2011. Watershed development for rainfed areas: Concept, principles and approaches. In: Integrated Watershed Management in Rainfed Agriculture (Eds. SP Wani, J Rockstrom, KL Sahrawat), CRC Press Publication, pp 53-86.

  • KV Rao, B Venkateswarlu, KL Sahrawath, SP Wani, PK Mishra, S Dixit, K Srinivasa Reddy, Manoranjan Kumar and US Saikia Rainwater Harvesting and Reuse through Farm Ponds (5.10 MB)

    Kaushalya Ramachandran, UK Mandal, KL Sharma and B Venkateswarlu Evaluation methodology fro Post-facto assessment of watershed development projects (59.9 MB)

    PK Mishra, KL Sharma, KV Rao, G Subba Reddy, GR Korwar, M Osman, B Venkateswarlu, AL Cogle, GD Smith, DM Freebairn and Christine King Natural Resources Management in Semi-arid Regions : Learning from Farm and Watershed level Action Research of ICAR-ACIAR Collaborative Project (141 MB)

    Bhanavase, D.B., Thorve, S.B. Upadhye, S.K., Mehetre, S.S., Osman, M., Chary, G.R., Venkateswarlu, B., Mishra, P.K., Balloli, S.S., and Anantha Rao D. 2010. Farmers’ Participatory Action Research Programme (FPARP) – Tank Silt as an Organic Amendment for Improving Soil and Water Productivity in Scarcity Zone of Maharashtra, ORP, AICRPDA, Solapur, Maharashtra, 8 p.

    Kausalya Ramachandran, Mandal, U.K., Sharma, K.L. and B. Venkateswarlu. 2010. Evaluation Methodology for Post-facto Assessment of Watershed Development Project – A Multidisciplinary, Multi-scale & Multi-aspect Approach. Natural Resource Management and Rural Livelihoods Series. Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad -500059. 99 p.

    Khasimpeera, K., Osman, M., Padmalatha, Y., and Venkateswarlu, B. 2010. More Crop and Income per Drop of Water, Farmers’ Participatory Action Research Programme (FPARP) – Tank Silt as an Organic Amendment for Improving Soil and Water Productivity, AME, AICRPDA, ANGRAU, Anantapur, India. 28 p.

    Kusuma Grace, J., and Sharma, K.L. 2010. Assessment of Soil Quality Using Key Indicators- Case Studies in Rainfed Semi-arid Tropics. VDM Verlag, Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG, Dudweiler Landstr. 99, 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany. 230 p.

    Mishra, P. K., Cogle, A.L., Sharma, K.L., Smith, G.D., Rao, K.V., Freebairn, D.M., Subba Reddy, G., Christine King, Korwar, G.R., Osman, M and B. Venkateswarlu. 2010. Natural Resources Management in Semi-arid Regions: Learning from Farm and Watershed Level Action Research of ICAR-ACIAR Collaborative Project, Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad- 500059. 184 p.

    Murali, R., Jogender, R., Raju, Ch., Osman, M., Chary, G.R., Mishra, P.K., Venkateswarlu, B. and Anantha Rao, D. 2010. Farmers’ Participatory Approach of Tank Silt Application to Improve Soil Health and Water Productivity - An Experiment Carried out in Warangal District, Telangana Region of Andhra Pradesh (Sponsored by: Ministry of Water Resources, Govt. of India), MARI, Warangal India, 8 p.

    Nimmaiah, K.,Swamy, V., Osman, M., Chary, G.R., Balloli, S.S., Mishra, P.K., Mandal, U.K., and Venkateswarlu, B. 2010. Farmers’ Participatory Action Research Programme (FPARP) – Tank Silt as an Organic Amendment for Improving Soil and Water Productivity in Southern Telangana Region, PEACE, Bhongir, Nalgonda, India, 8 p.

    Rao, V.U.M., A.V.M.S. Rao, P.V. Kumar, S. Desai, U.S. Saikia, N.N. Srivastava and B. Venkateswarlu. 2011. Agricultural Drought: Climate Change and Rainfed Agriculture. Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad. 324 p.

    Rao., G.G.S.N., V. U. M. Rao., P. Vijaya Kumar. and A.V.M.S. Rao. 2010. 25 Years Research of AICRP on Agrometerology .Central Research Institute For Dryland Agriculture,Santhoshnagar, Hyderabad.112 p.

    Reddy, K. S., B.Sanjeeva Reddy, I.Srinivas,K.Yella Reddy, T.V.Sataynarayana, K.V.Rao, C.Ramana, Aum Sarma, S.Vijaykumar and R.V.Adake (Eds.).2010. Abstracts, National Seminar on Engineering Agriculture for Evergreen Revolution.Organized by ISAE – Andhra Pradesh Chapter, Hyderabad, India. 80 p.

    Reddy, K.S., B.Sanjeeva Reddy, I.Srinivas,K.Yella Reddy, T.V.Sataynarayana, K.V.Rao, C.Ramana, Aum Sarma, S.Vijaykumar and R.V.Adake (Eds.).2010. Lead Papers, National Seminar on Engineering Agriculture for Evergreen Revolution. Organized by ISAE – Andhra Pradesh Chapter, Hyderabad, India.352 p.

    Reddy, M.S., Desai, S., Sayyed, R.Z., Sarma, Y.R., Rao, V.K., Reddy, B.C., Reddy, K.R.K., Podile, A.R., Kloepper, J.W. 2009. Plant Growth Promotion by Rhizobacteria for Sustainable Agriculture. Scientific Publishers, India: Jodhpur.642 p.

    Sharma, S.K., Sharma, R.K., Kothari, A.K., Laddha, K.C., Sodani, S.N., Osman, M., Chary, G.R., Balloli, S.S., Mishra, P.K., Mandal, U.K. and Venktaeswarlu, B. 2010. Farmers’ Participatory Action Research Programme (FPARP) – Tank Silt as an Organic Amendment for Improving Soil and Water Productivity, ORP, AICRPDA, Arjia, Bhilwara, India. 8 p.

    Sharma, S.K., Sharma, R.K., Kothari, A.K., Laddha, K.C., Sodani, S.N., Osman, M., Chary, G.R., Balloli, S.S., Mishra, P.K., Mandal, U.K. and Venktaeswarlu, B. 2010. Outreach Action Research and Learning for Improved Use of Tank Silt in Maize-Based Production System, Operational Research Project, Dryland Farming Research Station, (Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology), Arjia, Bhilwara, India. 26 p.

    Srinivasarao, Ch., Vankateswarlu, B., Dixit, S. and Singh, A.K. 2010. Potassium Deficiency in Soils and Crops: Emerging Soil Fertility Constraint in Dryland Agriculture. Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, India. 34 p.

    Srinivasarao, Ch., Vankateswarlu, B., Dixit, S. and Venkataravamma, K. 2010. Pantalalo Mariyu Nelallo Potassium Lopam: Metta Vyavasayam Vutpatthilo Peruguthonna Poshaka Samasya (in Telugu). Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, India. 34 p.

    Srinivasarao, Ch., Venkateswarlu, B., Sreenath Dixit, Sumanta Kundu and Gayatri Devi, K. 2011. Livelihood Impacts of Soil Health Improvement in Backward and Tribal Districts of Andhra Pradesh. Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India, 119 p.

    Angela, G., Elizabeth Margaret and M.Vanaja. Study of soil fungi at elevated carbon dioxide level. In: Climate change- Issues and concerns. (eds. Smita Asthana and Elizabeth Margaret). The IUP Publications. pp 42-45.

    Kaushalya Ramachandran 2010. Success Stories in Watershed Management and Research Initiatives During the Last One Decade, DoLR, MoRD.

    Kaushalya Ramachandran and Padmaja, S. 2010. Environmental migration from rainfed regions in India forced by poor returns from watershed development projects. In: Environment, Forced Migration and Social Vulnerability (eds. T. Afifi and J. Jäger). Springer Publications. pp 117 –132.

    Mina, B.L., Gopinath, K.A., Singh, G., Stanley, J. and Bhat, J.C. 2010. Organic production of soybean (Hindi). In: Jaivik Phasalotpadan Takneeki. (eds. D. K. Singh and K. P. Raverkar). GBPUA&T, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand. pp 166-175.

    Mir Hassan Ahmed SK., Suseelendra Desai, Venkateswar Rao L., Praveen Kumar G., and Venkateswarlu B. 2010. Evaluation of Bacillus spp. from rainfed agro-ecosystems for plant growth promotion of sorghum and pigeonpea. In: Plant Growth Promotion by Rhizobacteria for Sustainable Agriculture.” ISBN: 978-81-7233-660-8 Scientific Publishers, New Delhi, India. pp: 71-74.

    Mishra, P. K. 2010. Future challenges in rainfed agriculture. In “Advances in Plant -Atmospheric Interactions” (Eds. Rao et. al.), CRIDA, Hyderabad, 233-237.

    Mishra, P. K., Rao, K.V. and Padmanabhan, M. V. 2010. Farm pond technology for semi-arid Alfisol region of Telengana in Andhra Pradesh. In: Rainwater Harvesting and Reuse through Farm Ponds: Experiences, Issues and Strategies (eds. Rao et. al.), CRIDA, Hyderabad, pp 170-174.

    Praveen Kumar G., Kishore N., Mir Hassan Ahmed SK., Abdul Rasul, Suseelendra Desai, Gopal Reddy and Venkateswarlu B. 2010. Evaluation of fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. with single and multiple PGPR traits for plant growth promotion of Sorghum in combination with AM fungi. In: Plant Growth Promotion by Rhizobacteria for Sustainable Agriculture. ISBN: 978-81-7233-660-8 Scientific Publishers, New Delhi, India. pp: 293-299.

    Ramana, D.B.V. 2011. Livestock integration for improving the livelihoods of rural poor. In: Livelihood Enhancement through Sustainable Natural Resource Management in Drylands. CRIDA, Hyderabad, pp105-115.

    Rao, G. G. S. N., A.V. M. S. Rao, and V. U. M. Rao. 2011. Climate change – Impacts and mitigation strategies. In: Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in Agriculture and Allied Sectors. (ed. GSLHV Prasada Rao). Scientific Publishers (India), Jodhpur. pp 1-14.

    Rao, G. G. S. N., A.V. M. S. Rao, M. Vanaja, V. U. M. Rao and Y. S. Ramakrishna. 2010. Impact of regional climate change over India. In: Climate Change and Agriculture over India. Prentice- Hall India Pvt. Limited, New Delhi pp13-42.

    Ravi Shankar, K. 2011. Traditional knowledge and awareness programs on climate change.. In:Agricultural Drought: Climate Change and Rainfed Agriculture. (eds. Rao, V.U.M., Rao, A.V.M.S., Kumar, P.V., Desai, S., Saikia, U.S., Srivastava, N.N. and Venkateswarlu, B.) CRIDA, Hyderabad, India. pp. 209-213.

    Ravindra Chary. G., Vittal, K.P.R., Venkateswarlu, B., Mishra, P.K., Rao, G.G.S.N., Pratibha, G., Rao, K.V., Sharma, K.L., and Rajeshwar Rao, G. 2010. Drought hazards and mitigation measures. In: Natural and Anthropogenic Disasters: Vulnerability, Preparedness and Mitigation. (ed. M.K. Jha), Capital Publishing Company, New Delhi and Springer, The Netherlands. pp 197 -237.

    Sharma, K.L. Ramakrishna, Y.S. Samra, J.S. Sharma, K.D. Mandal, U.K. Venkateswarlu, B. Korwar G.R. and K. Srinivas. 2010. Strategies for improving the productivity of rainfed farms in India with special emphasis on soil quality improvement. In: Water and Agricultural Sustainability Strategies (ed. Manjit S Kang). CRC Press, USA. pp 207-225.

    Singh, A. K. and Venkateswarlu, B. 2010. Tackling the adverse effects of global warming on Indian agriculture. Agriculture Today Year Book 2010, pp18-22.

    Sreenath Dixit, J.V.N.S. Prasad, B.M.K. Raju and B. Venkateswarlu 2010. Towards A Carbon- Neutral Rural India Part 1 Challenges and Opportunities in Agriculture. In: India Infrastructure Report 2010. Oxford University Press, New Delhi. pp 393-406.

    Sreenath Dixit, Prabhakar, M., Anuradha, B. and Padmaiah, M. 2010. Village level hybrid seed production: A process for effective transfer of castor production technology. In: Research and Development in Castor: Present Status and Future Strategies (ed D. M. Hegde). Indian Society of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad.

    Srinivasa Rao, M 2010. Impact of elevated CO2 on insect herbivore and host interactions. In: Agricultural Drought: Climate Change and Rainfed Agriculture (eds. Rao VUM, Subba Rao AVM, Kumar PV, Desai S, Saikia US, Srivastava NN and Venkateswarlu B.). CRIDA, Hyderabad, India, pp 243-248.

    Srinivasa Rao, M 2010. Impact of elevated CO2 on insect herbivore and host interactions. In: Advances in Plant-Atmospheric Interactions (eds. Rao VUM, Subba Rao AVM, Rao, GGSN, Ramana Rao BV, Vijay Kumar, P. and Venkateswarlu B. CRIDA, Hyderabad. pp 174-179.

    Srinivasarao, Ch., Rao, K.V., Hegde, D.M., Venkateswarlu B. and Sumanta Kundu 2011. Use of organic fertilizers alone or in combination with inorganic ones: effects on water and nutrient use efficiency. In: Improving Water and Nutrient Use Efficiency in Food Production Systems (ed. Z. Rengel) ISUP, John Wiley & Sons Inc., Ames, USA. Vanaja, M. 2010. Impact of climate change on CO2 exchange between vegetation and atmosphere. In: Advances in Plant-Atmospheric Interactions. (eds. VUM Rao, AVM Subba Rao, GGSN Rao, BV Ramana Rao, P Vijaya Kumar and B Venkateswarlu). CRIDA, Hyderabad. pp 154-155.

    Venkateshwarlu, B., Rao, K.V., Kaushalya Ramachandran and U.K. Mandal 2010. Application of geomatics in watershed prioritization, monitoring and evaluation – CRIDA’s experience. In: Proceedings of the National Symposium on Use of High Science Tools in Integrated Watershed Management, ICRISAT-TATA Trust & DoLR, New Delhi.

    Venkateswarlu,B and Rama Rao., C.A. 2010. Institutional arrangements need to be nurtured. The Hindu Survey of Indian Agriculture, 2010. pp. 79-83

    Venkateswarlu, B. and Rama Rao, C.A. 2010. Rainfed agriculture: Challenges of climate change. Agriculture Today Year Book 2010, pp.43-45

    Dixit, S. and Venkateswarlu, B. 2010. Local solutions to climate change. Agenda – New Agriculturist 19: 21-24.

    Ramana, D.B.V. and Vijay Kumar, A. 2010. Jevaalalo adhika mamsothpattiki parannajeevula samagra yajamanyam (in Telugu). Annadata, 42 (12):47-50.

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