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Dr. A.V.M.Subba Rao

Principal Scientist (Agromet)

Education : Ph.D. in Meteorology Major research areas : Climate change, Agro climatic analysis-Weather-risk indices, Crop-weather Simulation modeling GIS and Remote Sensing-Weather forecasting and Agromet advisories

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Experience Profile

  • Scientist (SS) at - CRIDA, Hyderabad since 28.10.2005
  • Worked at PD for Cropping Systems Research, Modipuram from 28.08.1997 to 24.10.2005 at Scientist (Agrometeorology) and In-charge (GIS & RS)

Any other relevant information

  • Organized International Symposium on Agrometeorology and Food Security during 2008 at Hyderabad
  • Research Projects handled as PI, Co-PI and Associate