The VIII capacity building program of AICRPAM on ‘Application of machine learning in agricultural meteorology’ was organized at ICAR-CRIDA from 24 Feb to 03 Mar 2024. Thirty-two participants from the cooperating centers of AICRPAM attended the program. Nine experts in agricultural statistics representing ICAR, SAUs, North Eastern Hill University, CWRDM, etc. imparted both theoretical and practical sessions of machine learning through the R program. The topics included statistical techniques for climate change studies, spatiotemporal time series modeling, ARCH family of models, factor analysis, canonical correlation, classification and regression trees, principal component analysis, analysis of multi-location experiment data, etc. During the valedictory function, in the address, Dr Vinod Kumar Singh, Director, ICAR-CRIDA, emphasized that mastery of AI and ML techniques and their applications in agriculture are the need of the hour and lauded AICRPAM coordinating unit in its sustained efforts to impart capacity building to its scientists every year. The capacity-building program was organized by Dr Santanu Kumar Bal (Program Director) and Drs AVM Subba Rao, MA Sarath Chandran and Timmanna (Program Coordinators) for the program.